A young Buenos Aires mother finds employment as a sex worker and struggles to live under the same laws that are supposed to protect her.
A young Buenos Aires mother finds employment as a sex worker and struggles to live under the same laws that are supposed to protect her.
Аланіс, Аланис, 艾拉妮丝
me gusta porque no estigmatiza a la prostituta ni tampoco idealiza o maquilla su contexto. no juzga ni cae en golpes bajos predecibles. hacía tiempo que quería que hicieran algo así, para romper un poco con la unidimensionalidad de los personajes femeninos, que siempre se basan en ser la puta o la madre pero nunca las dos en simultáneo. y bueno, Sofía Gala.
Hermosa, cruda y real. Las escenas están muy bien logradas considerando que se filmó en DOS SEMANAS, increíble.
Se nota, y agradece, el toque femenino en la dirección. Sofía está impecable y el hecho de que dante sea su hijo hace que todo se vea aun más natural, todo fluye en la película.
Definitivamente es nuestra the florida project.
Directed by Anahí Berneri, “Alanis” provides an intimate glimpse into the life of a young woman named Alanis, played by Sofía Gala Castiglione. The film unfolds as a raw and unfiltered exploration of survival, motherhood, and the challenges faced by a sex worker in Buenos Aires.
It stands out for its realism and sensitivity in portraying the daily struggles of its protagonist. The film navigates the challenges faced by Alanis with an empathetic lens, avoiding sensationalism in favor of authenticity.
The film adopts a day-in-the-life narrative style, immersing the audience in Alanis’ world. This approach creates an intimate connection with the character, allowing viewers to witness her moments of strength, vulnerability, and resilience.
Through Alanis’ experiences, the film offers a…
Opening with a nude scene and also featuring an extended sequence with a client in a seedy motel, Alanis nethertheless manages to avoid gratuitous exploitation, the filmmaker’s mission being to show us real-life, without a filter. While some might argue that the film’s documentary-like aspirations means there is not much of a plot here, and they are right. And I think the director emphasizes many times her determination and self-awareness, using mirrors throughout the film, not as a cliched metaphor for a broken psyche, but rather as a way to keep track with her own realtiy.
My only concern has to do with a stereotyped ending where Alanis finally finds herself home surrounded by a group of happy, big-hearted prostitutes!
Se me hace difícil escribir una reseña por mi pensamiento sobre el trabajo sexual. La historia de la película es un drama social que muchas mujeres en esa situación viven todos los días, la calle y la prostitución se representan de maneras muy reales y tristes. Que la haya dirigido una mujer ayuda a la hora de expresar lo que siente la protagonista. La actuación de Sofia Gala es excelente y la dirección también aunque me hubiera gustado un mejor soundtrack.
Una cara del cine argentino del siglo XXI que nunca había visto. Más pelis planteando problemáticas sociales como esta, menos Suar teniendo problemas maritales y siendo un pelotudo, gracias.
Boring even in rewatch.
As it's has been said, it's like the Argentinian The Florida Project.
Damn, I loved this so much.❤
A new favorite.
The sad tales of a latinamerican prostitute. The dark and underprivileged part of Buenos Aires is shown thru the lens of a non chalant whore looking for work.
Cuando se juntan una actriz sin miedo y una directora sin miedo...
Hidden gems you might never heard of
Right now it's kinda a triumph when you find non-biased content, so thanks, Anahí Berneri, I didn't wanna watch any more hollow-based on the male gaze™ movies about sex workers, but more importantly, thanks for giving me a really honest movie, that's something even more rare.
One of the most human movies I've seen in my life.
Un retrato audiovisual de la vida, es abandono, sangre, espejos rotos y a la vez es ternura, independencia, sororidad.