Dui Shaw - E03: Antara
The story of supernatural martial life of Antara.
The story of supernatural martial life of Antara.
Pett Kata Shaw 2, Shaw 2, ২ষ, Dui Shaw
-What's dying like?
-They say our lives flash before our eyes when we die. I disagree. I saw everything. The stars, the moon, galaxies. So vivid, so crystal clear. Like I painted it with my hands.
-How did it look?
-Beautiful. But not as beautiful as you. Not as sweet.
No, no, no, Nuhash—you missed hard this time, man. This episode was supposed to be the highlight of the season, especially since Misti Kichu (Something Sweet) from the first season is my all-time favorite episode from the series. With Antara being a sequel to that, my hype knew no limits. But, sadly, it turned out completely bland.
In Mishti Kichu, Chanchal Chowdhury’s character gets the power to memorize everything from Shaitan/Satan. By the end, he dies from the overwhelming burden of all that knowledge, and we see the Shaitan attending his funeral. Antara picks up after his death, showing the Shaitan marrying his wife. What follows is heavily inspired by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which sounds amazing on…
This episode is not going to provide something out of the box concept wise but in terms of screenplay and execution it's the best of season 2 till date even might be in whole series. There is perfect dose of mystery elements and underline messaging of philosophical significance has been delivered with subtlety. What is the actual existence shaitan, how it takes over upon us, how now a days inhumanity is going beyond the power of shaitan, how to deal with attachment and grief in life with our own willpower and the harsh reality of domestic abuse are excellently portrayed. Technically it's more premium than other episodes with eye soothing visuals and sarcastic score. Two leads have delivered their excellent performance specially the female lead. The cameo and connection with ‘Mishti Kichhu' is truly impressive.
"Mishti Kichu" was one of Nuhash's finest works, and he followed it up with a brilliant sequel. The protagonist in this installment perfectly embodies the archetype of the so-called Bengali husbands.
It's worth a watch.
This Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind sequel looks really different dawg.
A really good sequel ngl.
Fascinating in how even pacing works wonders in ensuring a multitude of concepts - the religious personification of evil, the archetypal concept given form and human foibles, the power of free will, and even how much of inhumanity can exist without resorting to the crutch of a concept called "satan" - can exist within the span of 42 minutes. It helps that Humayun anchors all those concepts by connecting it to the best episode of the previous season (Mishti Kichu), and resorts to that thematic resonance - of the processing of grief rather than the forceful forgetfulness. It's depth of thought is present just enough to work.
"তোমার এই কলমেও কালি নেই" was funny
-মানুষ আর ইবলিশ এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি জানো! মানুষে পেট কাটা ষ আর ইবলিশে তালব্য শ।
This line was good !!
Bland re bhai, bland.
Performances were great. The Chanchal Chowdhury cameo was good too. Another good example of atmospheric horror from Nuhash Humayun.
But, PACING ☹ wasn't engaging at allll
the theory and concept of it was very interesting but had higher expectations after mishti kichu. never thought eternal sunshine of the spotless mind could be delivered by shaitan himself but here we are