After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.
After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.
Marianne Fortier Serge Postigo Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc Yves Jacques Rémy Girard Stéphanie Lapointe Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse Alice Morel-Michaud Michel Forget Monique Spaziani Francine Ruel Michel Barrette Luc Senay Gaston Lepage Albert Millaire Noémie Yelle Jean Marchand Catherine Trudeau Muriel Dutil Noel Burton Guillaume Gauthier Laurent-Christophe De Ruelle Alain Boucher Marie-Ève Beauregard Johanne Fontaine Annette Garant Guillaume Archambault-Lelièvre Ron Bellavance Sébastien Bergeron Show All…
晨曦中的女孩, ავრორა
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Y’aurait dû Inglorious Basterdiser la fin
I love movies that showcase how awful humanity is as kids are being abused while we have the Bystanders pulling out Projectors and not doing anything... Oh the Bystander effect sucks!!.
Humans are indeed the worst monsters ever created.
Pourquoi y’a personne qui a dit à Luc Dionne que c’est possible de passer d’une scène à l’autre sans automatiquement utiliser un fondu au noir?! Est-ce qu’il an mis un gun sur la tempe du monteur, stie?!
Outre le fait que c’est monté comme un fancam de Timothée Chalamet, c’est beaucoup plus plate que dans mon souvenir. J’ai vu ça au Dollar Cinema dans le temps et je retiens un souvenir de quelque chose de super difficile à prendre, ce que ce n’est vraiment pas. Personne ne joue dans le même film (Yves Jacques semble particulièrement perdu avec son personnage de prêtre pratiquement sorti d’un Almodovar.) et peu des films en question sont regardables. C’est mièvre et cheap et racoleur, garrochant la misère et la torture de la même manière qu’il garroche ses câlisses de fondus au noir.
based on a true case.. this one's very miserable to watch, both in its subject matter, as well as the film itself😮💨near two hrs of lifeless cinematography and lighting, sleepy dramatic music, and very little to write home about in terms of acting performance.
I understand we're not supposed to find enjoyment or entertainment in films like it.. but then again, if a film's based on true crimes, and the film's a slog to get through.. I think I'd rather just read the "book"; or existing documentation, and didn't need to see a child get abused to death. It's all heartbreaking enough. I'll add that this film isn't all that graphic, so if you're reading and still curious, fret not👍🏾it's…
this is like the french canadian version of sylvia likens' case . movie is not that good tho
ავრორას როლის შემსრულებელი უულამაზესია
(This is not so much a review as it is a pointlessly long diary entry/rant.)
I know this is an important film to many (4 people on Letterboxd and my sister (who has the grave honor of recommending this to me)), and that the archaic case of Aurore Gagnon was a tragic one. But I have to dismantle this vexatious dramatization of what happened, because I had qualms with it that extend further than simply feeling sick from the cruelty of the story.
To begin with I am not particularly interested in watching a psychopathic woman hurt her stepchild, but the first thing that really falls short with me is how the townspeople react to it in this film. They…
La plus étrange expérience de film muet qui m’ait été donné d’expérimenter.
You don't have the whole story.
Inspired by actual events, this grim and gritty French Canadian drama revolves around a preteen girl physically abused by her stepmother during the 1910s. Marianne Fortier is fine in the title role, and makes quite the transformation as her condition worsens throughout the film, with no small debt owed to some excellent work by the makeup team. The majority of the movie though does not play out from her perspective, but rather the perspectives of everyone around her. On one hand, this understandable as the film tries to shun the townsfolk who refused to intervene, thinking it was none of their business, and a local priest who ignored everyone's pleas to visit the girl…
Dzaan vtiri
Écouter ça à 12 ans et brailler très fort.
Very disturbing. In high school my french teacher thought this was a good film to show the entire class. We were all crying.