Jeton, a 10-year-old boy is sitting on the edge of a balcony on the 4th floor. Neighbours and passers-by, terrified by this situation, call the police and firefighters for help. But the situation quickly becomes unmanageable.
Jeton, a 10-year-old boy is sitting on the edge of a balcony on the 4th floor. Neighbours and passers-by, terrified by this situation, call the police and firefighters for help. But the situation quickly becomes unmanageable.
Very impressed on how they managed to do this in just one long take. The shot works so well in the film too. It helps the narrative instead of being too showy like most of the long takes are.
Fun short film about the different reactions from passersby to an unusual event. Had me laughing.
Lite smårolig kortfilm om hur olika förbipasserande reagerar på en ovanlig händelse. Fick mig att garva.
(sett på Vimeo)
So bloody good I had to create the TMdB/Letterboxd page for it so I could let you know how damn satisfying and impressive it is. Gets points for maintenance of single-shot gimmick, but lasts because of its sly mockery of arrogant class hierarchies.
this is great
Great albanian dialogue. Really good acting and the camera work was really impressive.
Fucking excellent.
so so good
Ovde glumi Dardan Beriša iz Bese 😆
one perfect shot
The camera movements are unbelievable to capture this much emotion from the actors. Imagining how much work they had to do to create this one-shot is mind-blowing. This film tackles many themes but I wish the narrative would have been a little more with some consequence for the actions.
"We don't know what's wrong with him. Does he want to commit suicide or is he just a spoiled child?"
"Maybe he thinks he's the Superman and he can fly."
A young boy precariously sat on a balcony in Kosovo sparks furore in his local community. He starts hurling abuse at the townsfolk below. As the police and other folk get involved, the situation on the ground soon becomes unmanageable. The stories and prejudices of the people below soon begin to interweave.