Where do you hide when the dark is alive?
Genetically mutated bats escape and it's up to a bat expert and the local sheriff to stop them.
Genetically mutated bats escape and it's up to a bat expert and the local sheriff to stop them.
Kurt Bryant Peter Epstein Skip Carlson Carl Milinac Ivan Bates Brad Jessey Patrick J. Statham Terri Sue Judkins Don Shanks Ted Barba Cole S. McKay Bill McIntosh Darren A. Caperna Billy Judkins Eddie Perez Kathy Jarvis
Ken Teaney Marshall Garlington Andrew DeCristofaro John Garret Gorman Mark A. Lanza Matthew Morris Rebecca Hanck Stephen Tibbo Nancy Nugent Title Jeff K. Brunello Adam Gillick Bill Fox Jeffrey R. Whitcher Eric Williams Andrew Holtzman D. Chris Smith Paul Curtis Vince Nicastro Joan Rowe Stephen P. Robinson Elisabeth Flaum Ann Scibelli
Morcegos, Blood Moon, Murciélagos, Bats - Fliegende Teufel, Bats (Murciélagos), Denevérek, La nuit des chauves-souris, עטלפים, Летучие мыши, Netopýři, 박쥐, เวตาลสยอง อสูรพันธุ์ขย้ำเมือง, Netopiere, Yarasalar, Bats : la nuits des chauve-souris, Кажани, BATS 蝙蝠地獄, Nietoperze, 蝙蝠
can we please go back to the era of random ass killer animal movies?? i need more now
theres one cool scene where the bats rip out the throat of the guy from the third season premiere ep of buffy where she leaves sunnydale because vampire slaying is such a rough job for a teenager (i can relate) but gets drawn back into The Life when a youth pastor is actually a hideous portal-traveling demon who's abducting teenage transients for his hard labor prison dimension. i love and support the bats in this movie. theyre so cute! i have formally entered the final year of my 20s today and i cant go anywhere because i'll contract a deadly virus and die so im at home watching bats and reminiscing about buffy. this sucks lol
The actors in BATS™️:
The actors in BATS™️ when the BATS show up and the screen goes stretchy:
s w o o s h
Exactly what you imagine a movie called Bats would be. Like, EXACTLY.
“It’s Frickin’ Bats.”
File this one under the “totally saw this in the theater and was the only one there” category. Look, Bats isn’t going to win any awards but it’s entertaining as hell and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. I just wish we as a society could go back to the 90s heyday of animal attack movies. Those were the days. None of this direct to Sci-Fi channel garbage.
The cgi hasn’t aged well but getting to see those practical bat puppets is enough to put a smile on my face. I think this one is definitely worth checking out especially for the bat attack on Gallup, Texas. My God, that scene is just glorious chaos!
A zoologist with a specialty in Chiroptera and a local sheriff combat an outbreak of ravenous diseased bats by the hands of bespectacled and power trippin' Bob Gunton in Arizona.
Underrated but still just passable creature feature that tries its damndest to make bats turned omnivorous big baddies on the scale of pint-sized Freddy Kruegers. Instead the mixture of primitive CG swarms and animatronic close-ups come off more chaotic than pants-wetting. Aside from the initial set-up, Bats settles on a few expanding siege sequences of characters in vehicles, buildings, and caves having to outsmart the canvassing barrage.
One thing's certain, they'll never be another action horror film centered on the winged creatures that looks this good. Director Louis Morneau probably…
Rec by Child of Chaos Genocyber93
Rec me Daddy
Another late 90s early 00s creature feature. There is some deaths. They call in the animal expert who assures us that the animals said killing people won't kill people. There is a scientist who had modified said critter to make them evil for whatever stupid reason. They underestimate critter, more people die, someone says something stupid, expert is like "That's it", convoluted plan saves the day.
Also there is a military that's solution is blow stuff up.
Dina Meyer is a woman who for some reason keeps popping up on my stuff every once in a while and I wonder when she is going to be on my stats as one of the most watched actors.
Anyway a fun creature feature about evil bats which sucks because bats are adorable and I love them.
Cheesy, low-budget, wildly entertaining creature feature B movie goodness. Dina Meyer, Lou Diamond Phillips, Leon, Bob Gunton & Ramon "The Pool Guy" from Seinfeld join together to stop a swarm of genetically altered bats that have descended upon a sleepy, small Texas town. This was released theatrically in the iconic movie year of 1999, which is wild because it looked like it was a straight-to-video darling released in the late 80s to early 90s. We got: anamatronic bats, CGI bats on green screen, bat puppets & even rubber bats from your local Spirit Halloween store. They used every type of fake bat they could get their hands on for this thing, and they're also swapping between these different types of fake bats…
hard to not admire the sheer hucksterism from Destination Films on a five mil budgeted horror movie filled with goofy ass bat puppets, shot in barely a month and released to theaters in time for Halloween without the aid of a full length trailer, managing to earn six times its budget just in theatrical play — try and do that, Blumhouse — all things considered, this is more fun than it has any right to be, smashing together eco-horror and south western police procedural into one movie and spiking it with gruesome bat attacks (in its R rated video version) — not bad!
Because I’m a SCIENTIST. 🦇 🦇 🦇
*Part of HOOPT🎃BER 5.0: “You don’t believe in the Boogeyman? You should.” challenge.
Bats that have been genetically engineered to be smarter, omnivorous, and work well in groups, terrify a small town in Texas and only a diverse group of cliche characters can contain the threat and save the day.
The modifications made to the bats reminded me a lot of what they did to sharks in "Deep Blue Sea", but the movie lacks a decent reason for doing so. Here, the "mad scientist" justifies his actions by saying that "this is what scientists do: they make things better". Better for whom and for what reason? It's just one of many pointless things in this movie. A revelation…
If you ever come across killer space bugs, killer piranhas or killer bats, you call Dina Meyer. She might die, but you still call her. 🦇