Love is a Carousel
Set in beautiful Trinidad and Tobago, BAZODEE is a Bollywood style Caribbean musical about being true to yourself and honest in love at all costs.
Set in beautiful Trinidad and Tobago, BAZODEE is a Bollywood style Caribbean musical about being true to yourself and honest in love at all costs.
Must a film be "good", is not enough to watch the King of Soca sing for an hour and a half?
Anyways yea this wasn't really great but not necessarily boring? I mostly watched this because I'm Caribbean and Machel Montano is an icon.
It's frustrating because there's so much potential in this story. Using Trinidad's Indian population to tell a new take on a Bollywood musical mashup along with Afro-Trini soca music? Literally the log line sells itself but the execution was average. It has a pretty average muddled rom com script, along with your most basic staging and direction you can imagine. Combined with the poor acting all around it just doesn't really come together.
There was an…
The performances here elevate pretty standard musical romance tropes with under-developed characters. Throw in some infectious tunes and the backdrop of Carnival and this is a likable enough romp. The only reason this isn't rated higher is because of the frustrating narrative clichés and conveniences.
Cute, kinda lightweight romance/drama set in Trinidad and Tobago, The highlight of the movie is that there are some fun musical scenes scattered throughout that give this a bit of a lift over the ordinary, humdrum plot. The plot is basically your standard issue "woman is about to marry the completely wrong man but falls for someone who's a much better fit for her in the ramp up to her wedding" plotline. (She first eyeballs this singer on the street where he's strumming a song she knows and starts singing along to--so when he turns up at her wedding engagement party, it's like "Hey I Know You! We Sung Together On the Street That One Time!") The guy she's about…
Sneaking and Soca.
Bazodee has a very low watch count, and it makes sense considering the quality it gives, I mean I've seen worse movies, but one that encourages cheating puts it even lower below the line. My eyes were already rolling in the first 10 minutes, and if it wasn't for the catchy soundtrack, this would've been given a flat 3/10 (not that the current rating is amazing). The performances are supposed to carry the film, and yet both actors couldn't convince me with their supposed characters at all, the personalities felt flat and produced, the poor script obviously pops out from their stiff deliveries, and it's only a mild step away from being television worthy.
This is nothing…
This is a really magical film. Not the best developed characters, but the music is phenomenal, it looks really great, and is one of the more pure bursts of fun that you can have in a movie theater. I never knew that I wanted Bollywood style films with soca music, but now I'm all in for even more!
There’s no denying Bazodee is a very slight and breezy romantic comedy, but it’s got a lot of charm, good chemistry between its actors, and a lot of good soca music from its co-lead Machel Montano. Beyond that, for a viewer in the U.S., it’s interesting to see how this kind of class/race narrative plays out in the context of Black and South Asian residents of Trinidad.
Delightful. What a fun group watch.
Sometimes face paint is just paint on your face.
Cool Trinidadian settings and culture being shown. And some good instrumentals in a few of the songs. Nothing else is that good though.
While I don’t think this film was good, I think it was really important for the cultural exports of Trinidad and Tobago and a better understanding of the fusion that takes place between Indian and Afro-Caribbean cultures in the Trini world. It’s corny, the cinematography is boring, the acting is bad, but at its heart it’s a Trini Bollywood movie, and I think that that’s really special. Trini and Guyanese cultures are misunderstood and it’s movies like this that can help bridge that gap. So, even though it’s a bad movie, it was a really worthwhile watch.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
i too would leave my handsome, chiseled faced indian-russian fiance if machel montano sang to me
If this is our idea of Trini romance, no wonder alyuh keep getting horn
This was the most Caribbean movie I’ve ever seen in my life and it was an absolutely picture PERFECT depiction of Caribbean culture, life and dynamics. My family loved it, I adored it, we all laughed, cried and then had a roti (seriously).
I really wish there were more movies that catered to the culture like this!