Bingo dares to ask the important questions.
What if Pee Wee was a dog?
If he was a dog, what would his adventure look like?
What if Bingo had the ability to skateboard despite his pronounced metal traumas? And what if he ran away from his abusive owners/trainers at the circus, what would he do then?
Followed by:
If his adopted family moved, how would Bingo be able to navigate a Homeward Bound-style adventure, chockfull of oddball characters including a roadside cook and butcher (played by Glenn Shadix) who turns stray mutts into hot dogs, selling them to unwitting families?
Could Bingo survive a stint in jail after being found in contempt of court?
And finally:
How horny can you make a dog in a children’s movie before parents and the MPAA start to ask questions?
I’ve not laughed this hard in a longtime.