The only way out is to give in
A Secret Service Agent is held captive in the trunk of a car and endures high-speed mental and physical torture as terrorists attempt to extract needed information for their sinister plot.
A Secret Service Agent is held captive in the trunk of a car and endures high-speed mental and physical torture as terrorists attempt to extract needed information for their sinister plot.
A Conspiração, ขีดเส้นตายเกมซ้อนเกม, Potrzask, Brake - Fino all'ultimo respiro, Ölüme Çeyrek Kala, נקודת שבירה, 刹车, Kidnapping, Тормоз, Gyötrelmes csapda, Prozrazení, 브레이크, Гальмо, ブレーキ
Whoever thought combining Buried, Olympus Has Fallen, and multiple rejected Goosebumps twists was a good idea needs to reevaluate their skill as a writer.
Cheap Buried knock-off, with a decent turn from Stephen Dorff, that fails to generate the interest or the suspense of that particular Ryan-Reynolds-starring trapped-in-a-horizontal-box-handily-with-a-phone thriller. Or, for that matter, the confined-to-a-vertical-perspex-box-obviously-with-a-phone thriller, Phonebooth. Plus the ending is contrived nonsense and makes a mockery of all that has gone on in the preceding 80 minutes.
For Chyler Leigh completeists only (can't be just me?).
This was really good until the last 10 minutes when it made me really fucking angry
Stephen Dorff has a real shitty day stuck in a box in the boot of a car. Bit like the time Ryan Reynolds had a real shitty day stuck in a box. I enjoyed this more though. Nice finale.
Stephen Dorff stars as a man who awakens to find himself locked in a plexiglass box in the trunk of a vehicle with nothing but a digital countdown timer and a CB radio at his disposal. Basically this film is a one man show for nearly the full runtime. Dorff is good in the role, and the unraveling story keeps you interested. Very watchable thriller.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
In this cheap knock-off/rip-off of the Ryan Reynolds starring Trapped-In-One-Scenario thriller BURIED,Secret Service agent Stephen Dorff(BLADE,ZOOLANDER) wakes up to find himself trapped inside of a large plastic box that is located inside of the trunk of a moving vehicle,with the voices of terrorists attempting to force him to tell them where a certain location is as they thrash the car around and attempt to drown him,only for Dorff to eventually get out of the vehicle and learn of two grim surprise twist finales,with one oft hem involving renegade government agents. Despite Dorff placing a lot of strong effort into his role to help keep the film captivating(even if it actually isn't),BRAKE mightily fails as a film as the screenplay by…
An excellent thriller. Stephen Dorff is excellent as he has to carry the flick since it involves him for about 95% of the film. Suspense gets ratcheted up as the movie progresses.
Not quite as tight as Buried, but awesome nonetheless.
And for those crying 'Buried rip-off', both films were written and developed at the same time. Buried just came out first.
I’d like to happily admit I guessed both endings to the movie. First ending seemed like it was happening due to the build up and the second ending was just way too obvious since the movie didn’t feel like ending after the first ending. I actually guessed the twist as soon as the movie “ended” and didn’t even really need it to continue any further without guessing it correctly. Just too obvious. Still a decent watch though.
O primeiro ato e segundo são muito bem feitos e conduzidos...
Roteiro simples, “americano” e inventivo até...
Pena que desconfiava de algo... e acertei... mas não tira o brilho...
Já o terceiro ato... pode, a depender da sua expectativa, ser regular...
foi outra sacada que saquei kkkkk.
Ótima atuação do Stephen Dorff...
Eu sabia que conhecia a Chyler Leigh de algum lugar...
Tweets from the EdFilmFest press screening of Brake:
So, Dorff In A Trunk (or Brake, as some people insist you call it) wasn't quite as much fun as Reynolds In A Box.
It's watchable enough but it drags in the middle and has a very silly ending that should be played for black comic laughs and isn't.
That said, it does give you more or less what you would expect from a film about Stephen Dorff being locked in a trunk. #NOTTHEBEES
I hope Stephen Dorff and Ryan Reynolds do a film together soon, so they can bond over their mutual In-A-Box film experiences. #DorffInATrunk
Terrible. Poor plot, dude spent the whole movie in the back of a trunk and for NOTHING. Boring.