Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.
Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.
Isidora Simijonović Vukašin Jasnić Sanja Mikitišin Jovo Maksić Monja Savić Katarina Pešić Sonja Janičić Jovana Stojiljković Vladimir Gvojić Nikola Dragutinović Mihajlo Nikolić David Tasić 'Daf' Ksenija Maric Ðorðevic Lara Mirković Miodrag Rakočević Miona Ðenisijević Jelisaveta Milojević Andreas Rukovski Aleksandra Nikolić Dobrila Stojnić Nataša Balog Luka Božić Mihajlo Pleskonjić Ljiljana Šiler Vanesa Ojdanić Dragana Jovanović Zoran Maksimović Svetlana Sretenović Dimitrije Aranđjelović Show All…
Στιγμιότυπο, Klipp, Клип, Кліп, 录影片段, 愛上你愛上傳, 클립
I got this movie recommended by a Serb, him saying that it portrayed much of what is wrong with his country in honest and raw way. The degeneration of youth, due to bad precondition and non-caring adults. Add to this the concern of what sexualisation in society does to young kids, and you pretty much have the message that Clip is trying to portray. And it does that pretty well without putting the blame on the teens themselves. They are just victims of a society that doesn't have the means to provide them with the best life possible, and some of them are more out of luck than others. Trying to find love, happiness and reassurance in the only way…
Recimo da razumem neke od stranaca koji Klip nisu skapirali i sveli ga na (samo) savremeni "update" onoga što su Larry Clark i Harmony Korine izveli sa Kids, kao što razumem i one koji su na njega propisno odlepili, više osećajući da se tu krije vrlo razrađena socijalna priča u pozadini studije o emocionalnoj distanciranosti. Ali za gledanje Klipa je u neku ruku presudan srpski, balkanski ili makar istočnoevropski "background" jer film na maestralan način (sitnim i možda ne tako sitnim nedostacima uprkos) govori o onoj realnosti klase tranzicionih gubitnika mlađih generacija kojima su šanse iz dana u dan manji: o preziru prema prethodnim generacijama koje su se "jeftinije" izvukle, o činjenici da se klinci u sistemu ne snalaze i…
Lacking both plot or character development of any sort, Clip presents director Maja Miloš trying to give us a brutal insight into the lives of Serbian youth through a young & troubled teenager named Jasna who likes recording the world around her on her cellphone. Her family life is a mess since her father is dying of a terminal illness while her mother isn't prepared to deal with all of this. Jasna also has a crush on a hooligan who, after getting to know that she will do anything for him, starts taking advantage of her sexually without reciprocating towards her feelings. Throughout the 90 minutes, all we see here is the self-destruction journey that Jasna is on, the drastic measures…
meni je neverovatno što za neke stvari bukvalno imam mozak zlatne ribice ali zato se jasno sećam prvog gledanja ovog filma jer sam se tada od bake i deke preselila kod tate gde sam imala neometan pristup kompu i gledala najtiše moguće jer olga i paja spavaju iza mene
logično, bila (blago rečeno) frapirana i razmišljala šta ako stvarno ovako izgleda srednjoškolsko iskustvo u beogradu, znajući da ću otići kod mame za 3 godine i upisati srednju u tom beogradu nez jezivo baš sam se usrala, to mi je bio prvi all nighter
ali da, ovo je bila moja euforija pre euforije i ovo ne treba da gleda devojčica od dvanaest godina niti ovo treba da se dešava devojčici od…
Kids: Serbian Edition
Bleh. Watched this until it dawned on me that it is about a 14 year old (portrayed by an actual 14 year old) engaging in various sex acts. No. Just No. I may be a sleeze bag, slut, horn dog, etc... but this shit does the opposite of calling my dong to attention.
Hell is a teenage girl in the balkans
Au jebote pa mi zivimo u drustvu
Nisam bio skroz siguran ali nakon gledanja ovog filma mogu da potvrdim da da, mi zaista zivimo u drustvu
ali poster slavice cukteras, pa ovo nema nigde hahahahahhaha
Hmmmm... so, here we have a Serbian movie that’s trying to be shocking/provocative by showing the nihilistic lifes of the modern teenager. Specifically 14(?) year old Jasna. So for 90+ minutes we see her drinking, doing drugs, partying, and partaking in casual sex, all the while being the most annoying daughter possible to her parents, while her father is dying.
And from what I understand, the actress was actually 14 when production began, so you wonder how they got away with certain scenes, but overall it’s just not interesting. Nothing shocking in a way that we’ve never seen before, and the story/characters we’re left with, we simply don’t care about...
I never mind a dark, nihilistic coming-of-age drama, but this one didn’t really do it for me.
if you have to ask why it’s iconic you don't get it
it's really weird... when i think about my childhood. it scares me. i feel nothing at all. as if it never had happened. that the things that i remember... are just nonsense