A young lizard named Clarence steals a precious plane while the whole village is distracted by the greatest concert it has ever seen.
A young lizard named Clarence steals a precious plane while the whole village is distracted by the greatest concert it has ever seen.
O to be a little lizard and her plane
i'm in love with the animation style. such a heartwarming short
How far would you go to keep what is rightfully yours? How far would those you love go to ensure you get to do so?
To create is to give of the self; this gift is liberation.
Side note: I simply adore every single character design on screen.
Stunning animation and a heart-warming meaning, what else can I say about this? I loved it.
Lil' lizard just wants to fly over the ocean, and isn't gonna let the march of capitalism stop her.
lovely! reminded me of a ghibli film! the animation style, the vibes, the featuring of planes! love the french loving miyazaki! hahaha
The animation can't be praised highly enough, but Colza's story is quite elegant – perfectly paced for a short film which is not easy to accomplish. The world-building evokes and implies so much more than it states, the structure is simple and effective. Incredible work
simply too good to be five minutes.
you can watch it here:
anton is the realest friend there's ever been.. y'all ever respond to your friend's request to create a diversion not by pulling a fire alarm or something but by COMPOSING AN ENTIRE SYMPHONY
AniMAY 2022 №1
Auch bei uns blüht gerade der Raps (franz. Colza) und so ist dieser Fantasy-Mix aus Nausicaä-Industrialisierungs-Frühphase und frankobelgischem Comic mit seinen warmen Moebius-inspirierten Farben und den liebenswerten Echsenwesen mit einer Leidenschaft fürs Fliegen und die Musik ein optisch wunderschöner und herzwärmender Einstieg in den diesjährigen AniMAY.
4 von 5 Animations-Short-⭐+🧡
PS: Genereller Hinweis auf den Gobelins YT-Channel, der grafisch vielfältig fast immer überzeugt.
Available to stream for free on GOBELINS' YouTube channel, linked here.
deceptively simple but in fact incredibly rich and beautifully detailed storytelling.
they're right when they say Gobelins is the french Studio Ghibli of short student films.