The story of lawsuit by tens of thousands of Ecuadorans against Chevron over contamination of the Ecuadorean Amazon.
The story of lawsuit by tens of thousands of Ecuadorans against Chevron over contamination of the Ecuadorean Amazon.
Петрол, Нефть, Народът срещу Шеврон
is in fact a genius non-fiction work satirizing the well-intentioned but ultimately useless Western activism on marginalized groups, but makes the terrible mistake of thinking it's an earnest legal fight doc. whoops.
i’m gonna make mac and cheese for dinner
FUCK chevron
Crazy how this case just ended a year ago. Makes you think
Good documentary, but definitely focuses more on emotional appeals than facts. Also, the Internet tells me that Chevron managed to escape paying the $9.5 billion that was awarded to the indigenous people of Ecuador, and Steven Donziger has been disbarred and is currently under house arrest. Maybe David can still beat Goliath, but it seems pretty unlikely
I wonder if there will be a sequel where Berlinger talks about how this movie torpedoed the litigation and pretty much guaranteed that the judgment against Chevron will never be enforced.
white people are a PLAGUE and oil companies can all die!!!
justice for the people of ecuador!!!!!!
*watched for class
Joe Berlinger knows how to craft a villain in his documentaries, and while it seems John Mark Byers from Paradise Lost wasn't a villain after all, I think Berlinger is right on in how Chevron and their representatives are portrayed in this documentary. Rather than attacking the oil industry as a whole, Berlinger is simply showing a single story about the after effects of Chevron's occupation in Ecuador, and the result is a real character driven film. The village lawyer versus Chevron's lawyers is the best part of the film, and I can't get enough of people arguing back and forth with each other. Of course, Chevron's lawyers come across as being complete scum, with the one dude reminding me…
Very interesting documentary, classic tale of multinational corporation crushing the indigenous people, and the little guys fighting for justice on a legal process that has now taken 16+ years and with almost a decade to go at least, seems like it would be nearly impossible to win, it requires dedicated self sacrificing and obsessive people and that's what they got, but even then seems like it just won't be enough.
i’m gonna force feed all those texaco representatives the water they’ll be fine
had to watch for spanish class
nothing i didnt know before
every doc i watch for this class makes me hate this country more and more