Keshya, a simple villager believes that god has arrived in his village but everyone disbelieves him. Later when the politics plays its part things take a drastic change
Keshya, a simple villager believes that god has arrived in his village but everyone disbelieves him. Later when the politics plays its part things take a drastic change
funny until it’s depressing
(also haven’t seen a marathi movie in so long man it’s a good feeling watching smth in your mother tongue)
village idiot (he's actually ok) sees vision of dutta in trunk of a tree and inadvertently launches a mix of dirty politics ("as development") and eccentric jealousies.
too sly and erratic to succumb to festival orthodoxy, but loosez energy in its second half (after the temple has been built and change visit the town). still climaxes in a mystical vision of dacoit naseeruddin shah in ruins, so won't really complain. director to watch out for.
Entertaining and thought provoking satire about politics & religious faith.
scratch a rock
and a legend springs
Striking religious satires are hard to come by in India, and to think that 1. Deool was made only a decade ago, and 2. it ended up being literally very prescient about India's conditions in 2021 is unnerving.
Deool is about politicians arm-twisting a village to build a temple instead of a much-needed hospital after a local receives a vision. Meanwhile, as the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic rages on in India, a government that has been brought to power based on its promises of building a temple in Ayodhya is now being harangued for not assembling enough healthcare facilities to deal with the manifold deaths they (both the pandemic and the…
Religion is the opium of the masses.
From my mom:
कुटुंबियांसोबत बसून बघता येतील असे, निखळ मनोरंजन करणारे चित्रपट अलीकडे फार दुर्मिळ झाले आहेत. त्यामुळे आवडलेल्या चांगल्या चित्रपटांची नावे आठवताना मन भूतकाळात पार मागे जाते, अगदी ऋषिकेश मुखर्जींच्या काळापर्यंत. अलीकडचे ‘खोसला का घोसला’ सारखे काही अपवाद. मराठी सिनेमांची परिस्थितीतर फारच दयनीय आहे. विनोदाने बीभत्सपणाची नीचतम पातळी गाठली आहे. कौटुंबिक आणि कपट कारस्थानवाले चित्रपट असाही फरक आता करता येत नाही. रडकथांना आशा काळेनंतर अलका कुबलने काही काळ हात दिला पण तेही आता मागे पडले. अशा मरगळ आलेल्या, उदासवाण्या मराठी सिनेमाला ‘देऊळ’ च्या रूपाने देवच पावला. गिरीश पांडुरंग कुलकर्णी यांच्या ‘केशा’ने चित्रपटगृहात एक प्रसन्न ताजी झुळूक आणली.
सिनेमा हे बहुआयामी माध्यम आहे याची जाण ठेऊन निर्माण झालेले सिनेमे एक संपूर्ण दृकश्र्याव्य अनुभूती देतात. पटकथा, संवाद, व्यक्तिरेखा, संगीत आणि…
Umesh Kulkarni be like -
Sabkuch dikhaunga lekin bhatji nahi dikhaunga 🥵
It's like making film on hospital but not showing doctor !
Great Movie.
Story asks difficult questions about politicisation and marketization of religion and the kind of "developement" which it brings.
Great performances from every single actor (Almost all of the actors have gone on to have good careers, which can be traced back to Deool.)
Purposeful cinematography and amazing Score, which carries the tone of the movie quiet brilliantly. There is one song about datta (फोडा दत्त नाम टाहो) which is fantastic.
shooked the hell out of me, so daring excellent take on cultural values in globalized economy like india, I believe satire is the pure art form, satire at its best.
The film begins with a pleasant credit-roll, and maintains this feeling till a point. Deool is all for its realistic portray of village life and globalization. Everything from god to sex-life in villages, is filmed with immense skill.
The 'point' that i referred to at the start is an item number. The intention of showing this item number was good, but the filming of this song is worse. It should have been filmed like the item song in 'Shanghai'; Dibakar Banerjee filmed the item song in a whole new arty and realistic manner.
The mood is half spoilt at this point, as this song appears like any other item song in a Marathi film, in spite of the commendable intentions of the director.
However, director Umesh Kulkarni lifts the story again and it ends at a rise, thus making it a well directed,well acted and well written film.
Darkest comedy, brightest satire. Easily best film of 2000s
Godly business