Oh Godard, how rebellious! How carefree! Conventional filmmaking be damned! Let's have three, no, four people talking at once, while the phone's ringing. Let's have the water tap running while a conversation and a narration is simultaneously going on. Let's have everyone demanding for attention in one single frame, let the background be as busy as possible. Doors opened and closed, books thrown to the floor, computers making weird noises. Let's have multiple plot lines running together at the same time, let each dialogue be a challenge to interpret. Let's skin away the exposition and let the audience figure it out themselves. Let them be the détective.
That's it, of course. I'm supposed to be the détective. I'm supposed to détect. I get it now. No problem, let's see. We have this cheating wife. This guy who owes money. And there's this-
Ah, who am I kidding. I got nothing.