If you are thinking of seeing this film alone... DON'T.
In 2007, Wright directed a fake trailer insert for Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse, called "Don't", it was a plotless trailer that mocked horror clichés.
In 2007, Wright directed a fake trailer insert for Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse, called "Don't", it was a plotless trailer that mocked horror clichés.
ok we still gonna need the full feature film tho edgar
Action! - A British Romp: Edgar's Wright To Snap
Like many of the other fake trailers from other directors who contributed to this collection as part of Grindhouse, this one definitely functions better as a trailer than as a full-length feature film.
Having said that, I was a little let down that Wright didn't use any of these ideas into his latest horror film, which, if we're being completely honest, felt more like a supernatural thriller (though I will watch it again so we shall see). The cinematography, practical effects, and special effects makeup are all top notch.
All in all, while probably not the most spectacular of all the trailers, it's certainly entertaining.
Life Itself
Evn Cowgirls Get The Blues
that last "don't" really got me
It’s a parody of horror movies. Of course I loved it. It’s funny enough to where I wish it were made into a feature length film. I’ve seen Death Proof but this makes me want to check out the Grindhouse double feature. It looks awesome.
There are a total of 30 don'ts.
every horror films: /still does it/
better than baby driver
Saturday Night Shorts: Film 135
Don't is one of the handful of fake trailers from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse double feature. Some led to feature length films of their own, one even spawned a franchise with Machete but unfortunately this isn't one of them. Most of them were also directed by some big names in the horror game, in this case the horror comedy sub genre. Edgar Wright, director of hits like Shaun of the Dead, Baby Driver, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim VS The World is the man in charge here and the result of a minute and thirty-ish seconds of fun. Some awesome established actors, many British star in what amounts to a bunch of different…
Films Watched in 2020 - Film 277
Good for what it is. Edgar Wright, I love you.