A child psychologist attempts to reach a troubled little boy with a violent history, but her efforts unleash the demonic fury of his "imaginary friends" in the process.
A child psychologist attempts to reach a troubled little boy with a violent history, but her efforts unleash the demonic fury of his "imaginary friends" in the process.
I do kind of wish that they kind of went into trauma, but this was still a lot of fun.
Still a child's imagination is a powerful tool. me and my kids play a game on long trips where we take turns telling each other 15 minute stories, and some of the stuff they come up with is just, wow. Especially my one girl.
I wish I had half that creativity.
Saturday Night Shorts: Film 38
"I'm sorry. I can't stop them now..."
A wheelchair bound little boy has some serious issues, and his psychiatrist is trying to get to the root of them. He spends much of his time drawing pictures of a clown with claws and a sick looking bear. He calls these imaginary friends his protectors. As the doctor gets deeper into his mind she awakens something she didn't bargain for.
After a four week hiatus it's time I make my way back to the ol' dependable ALTER YouTube channel, where I've found the best horror shorts thus far for my Saturday Night Shorts project. Once again it doesn't disappoint by serving as a platform for some of…
When imaginary friends go bad, there's just no stopping them.
"I'm sorry. I can't stop them now."
Yet another reason we don't have kids.
They are hiding.
This is what Imaginary should have been!!
Sure, the acting is not the best and the writing was kinda weak, but so was the $12 Million movie released a few months ago. This low budget short had GOOD gore with great music and an actual cohesive story within 15 minutes.
It's ridiculously brilliant tbh.
Shorts & Docs
I hate all of these reviews this is actually so insanely ass can you fucks be for real for once
His imaginary friends needs a time out. Holy crap.
The plot was well done except I wasn't too keen on the ending. The gore was quite basic but the monster design and illustrations the kid does of them were really good (nice touch to have the pictures as the intro).
Mum: "Why don't you go and play with the kid next door? He seems nice"
The kid next door:
“uh guys…is that freddy fazbear? HUR HUR HUR HURRR-“
BOOvember 2020 №11
Ein kleiner Junge im Rollstuhl und imaginäres Killer-Spielzeug sind mir zum weiterempfehlen schon wieder gorig, dumm-unterhaltsam und handwerklich versiert genug 🤡🔪
3 von 5 Horror-Short-💀
Spooky Scary Sunday #028
can they be my friends next?