Experimental short film depicting the life, perhaps real, perhaps a dream, of a young girl named Emi. Emi travels to the city where she encounters her counterpart, Sari, and falls in love with…a vampire?
Experimental short film depicting the life, perhaps real, perhaps a dream, of a young girl named Emi. Emi travels to the city where she encounters her counterpart, Sari, and falls in love with…a vampire?
Émotion, 이모션, 传说在下午,有时会遇到吸血鬼, EMOTION
"To inflict pain on each other's flesh [was] the only way they could be sure of one another's love."
RIP King.
Title couldn't be more apt. This is pure feeling in cinematic form; editing, music, colour, text, movement, all coming together through some strange alchemy to touch the innermost reaches of your heart.
Not a single second feels out of place. I did not understand it, but I felt it. Already I can sense it slipping through my fingers. Obayashi I love you.
obayashi just casually inventing new colours... this one is for when you are in love with a tree. this one means dracula. rarely, if ever, do you find a director who has this much fun making films. we also share many of the same cinematic ideals (films shouldn't take themselves so seriously and should have beautiful women everywhere) and i adore how horny this man is for living life. he says "the dandelions aren't blooming today" and i say "right on"
“To inflict pain on each others’ flesh was the only way they could be sure if one another’s love.”
Hello everyone, today it was time for this short Asian movie released on 1966.
From the creator of House… Emotion portrays the life of a young girl who is called Emi.
It enjoys of a mesmerizing score and a “scary” aura in every scene, like if there was something dark happening on the backstage while filming. The funny thing is that this movie is not supposed to be in the horror genre.
Anyway despite being a curious piece of work very easy to watch, I wouldn’t recommend it.
You can watch this movie on the following YouTube link -> 1080p HD
Obayashi is here to remind filmmakers, and everyone really, to do whatever you want. Forever.
Nobuhiko Obayashi said gay rights
japanese avant-garde meets czech new wave
Foregoing typical narrative structure in favor of a bohemian-style experimentation, Ōbayashi’s Emotion blends elements of mythic vampirism with a youthful awakening, creating something that is best left sparsely described, but entirely felt. Though a lack of cohesion causes it to be a tad bit messy, this film contains images that are both playful and unsettling, blending color with black-and-white cinematography, montage and a fantastic score from Naoshi Miyazaki; what we are left with is a unique and utterly empirical experience that defies cinematic norms, opting for a totally offbeat approach to the medium that still feels fresh and innovative, even now.
perfect for dazed afternoons when you want to decompose, in a good way
I've been eying this short film for some time but never gave it serious thought. Luckily enough it is included in the special features section of Tyrion Lannister's copy of House! I wanted to get an episode of Twin Peaks in before the night was through but alas, you only get to have your friend's Criterion of House once in a lifetime so I thought I might as well take advantage of the hand God so graciously dealt me.
Making the right decision rarely feels this good.
Emotion is an experimental film and therefore everything in it is meant to be taken with a grain of salt. No matter how strange or weird it comes off the purpose is to…
“last night’s dream still saddens me today. i’m like a lonely, wandering meteor in the sky.”
obayashi.....his MIND