If they've really got what it takes, it's going to take everything they've got.
A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts.
A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts.
Irene Cara Barry Miller Maureen Teefy Paul McCrane Lee Curreri Gene Anthony Ray Antonia Franceschi Laura Dean Boyd Gaines Albert Hague Tresa Hughes Anne Meara Joanna Merlin Jim Moody Debbie Allen Richard Belzer Eddie Barth Steve Inwood Frank Bongiorno Bill Britten Eric Brockington Nicholas Bunin Cindy Canuelas Nora Cotrone Mbewe Escobar Victor of Aquitaine Lesley Quickley Ilse Sass Ray Ramirez Show All…
Arthur Bloom Rusty Coppleman Jay M. Harding Michael J. Kohut Chris Newman Aaron Rochin Les Wiggins Robert Davenport Robin Haskins Duncan McEwan Otto Snel
Fame - Der Weg zum Ruhm, Saranno Famosi, Fama, Слава, Hírnév, 名扬四海, תהילה, フェーム, Şöhret, Славa, 페임, Sława, Fama La Pelicula Original, Στον Πυρετό της Δόξας, Sláva, เฟม ขยับเท้าก้าวสู่ฝัน
Umm Victorious cosplayed as All That Jazz??
I went to an arts high school in Markham, Ontario, and okay, it was quite literally nothing like this, BUT, Fame manages to nail something much deeper about coming of age alongside the art form you’re exploring that reallyyyyyyy struck a chord with me.
Fyi I watched this on a plane and was extra vulnerable to feeling feelings—many of which I haven’t felt since I was sixteen. Okay, for example—you know that aching, gnawing appetite to be “someone” while having no idea who YOU even are only to later realize that the image you’ve been chasing for majority of your teen years was actually just an impossible manufactured capitalistic fantasy the ENTIRE time? Yeah. Talk about a…
Fame Perfectly encapsulates that feeling of being young and wanting to make your dreams come true.
Alan Parker assembled a cast of virtual unknowns and made them shine in this beautiful and heart wrenching story of teens searching for acceptance and stardom. Every character is given time to develop and grow and by the end you feel like you know these people personally and sympathize with them in their struggles. The atmosphere and the energy Parker captures within the high school and in the day to day lives of the cast is lightning in a bottle, as well as the music which is beyond memorable and ranges from melancholy to exciting and really supports the movie well.
There are few films that obtain the level of realism that this slice of life feature does. With its ups and downs and the way the personal stories unfold, culminating into something magical and rare.
In loving memory Irene Cara 1959-2022
Maybe I die undiscovered and my ghost gets the Grammy.
Have you ever had a roommate who was watching a multi-season series and you only caught pieces of it here or there and it always felt like you were trying to catch up with what was going on and you never really got to see anything resolved?
That’s this movie.
BONUS POINTS for the Rocky Horror screening. I think I would’ve rather watched 2 hours of that.
This is the show! If you don't like it, go to the one in Staten Island!
Fame is not what I expected. I expected a glitzy, cheesy, sparkly musical with big numbers and hammy choreographed dances. Instead, Fame is a strangely disjointed and surprisingly gritty film. It has no central protagonist (except for maybe the sleazy streets of New York) and instead follows a variety of students as they succeed and fail throughout three years of study in a performing arts-centric high school. Nothing is wrapped up neatly and we sometimes go for long stretches without seeing certain characters. This makes Fame both fascinating and extremely frustrating. I'm not entirely sure how I felt about the film by the time the end credits rolled. In some ways, I was unsatisfied, disappointed by the lack of closure.…
“never being happy isn’t the same as being
unhappy, is it?…”
live laugh love theatre <3
literally screaming that was so fun
honestly iconic 🤩
The David Bowie song is better
Spanish version...
Actuaciones decentes y buena música en una historia llena de clichés.
El desarrollo de personajes es nulo y muchas subtramas simplemente se quedan a medio camino. Lo peor es que había potencial.
English version...
Decent acting and good music in a story full of clichés.
Character development is non-existent and many subplots simply fall by the wayside. The worst thing is there was potential.
The future will always be promise to those who still have their youth and a threat to those who didn’t make the most of it when they had the chance. It doesn’t matter if you can play the piano better than Bach or perform Shakespeare’s most complicated texts to a sold out theatre, because the risk of putting yourself ‘out there’ will always obtain just as much power to destroy one’s dreams just as easily as it can bring them to life. Fame understands this in its bones, embracing that air of uncertainty we experience on the cusp of adulthood like a bolt of lightening to the chest, highlighting the importance of self-expression and using that burning passion to show the world what have to offer.
The movie feels more like a season of a TV show edited down into a movie where they only kept the most melodramatic scenes which I suppose is fitting for a drama school.
Dance like no one is the middle of rush hour traffic.