A storyteller of peace serves as a guide in the “Gama”—natural caves where many local people lost their lives during the Battle of Okinawa. The woman in blue standing by his side represents the intersection of the present and the past.
A storyteller of peace serves as a guide in the “Gama”—natural caves where many local people lost their lives during the Battle of Okinawa. The woman in blue standing by his side represents the intersection of the present and the past.
“GAMA”: Unearthing Okinawa’s Historical Memory through the Depths of Time
Oda Kaori’s latest documentary, GAMA, delves into the fabric of Okinawa’s historical memory, excavating the stones and bones in the seashore and cave that entail the aftermath of the war. Part of Oda’s “Underground” series, GAMA has been shown in the YIDFF 2023 New Asian Currents section, foregoing how a region’s dispersed history can be passed down. Okinawa’s story is entangled with its indigenous history and community and marked by struggles of contested sovereignty and ethnicity. While not hailing from Okinawa like Takamine Gō and Yamashiro Chikako, who emphasize the colonial history and the mythology of Okinawa, Oda still embraces a unique perspective by examining the deep time…
The narrator's dedication to returning to these caves where local people lived and died during the Battle of Okinawa feels like a ritual for peace, an attempt to calm down the angry ghosts that the war left behind and answer to the stories that the man has heard. Similarly, this feels very anxious filmmaking, perfectly embodied in the most memorable shot of the film where a woman sits on the beach as planes are flying above her head. GAMA is a film from a world where the fear of another world war has become a constant before people have managed to make amends with the last one. It's not only Japanese films of recent years to feel that way too, Suzuki Nonoho's Aburidashi belongs to the same category.
Kaori Oda's potent body of work, which is centered around the moving image but encompasses lots of mediums, is quickly becoming one of the most brilliant, unique, and refined in all of contemporary cinema. I was utterly transfixed by this. I barely moved in my seat, because what this film does to bring back the past, with immense strength and tenderness, is absolutely supernatural. Call it mabui or something else - this is a movie about Okinawa but really about the spirit and sadness of islands everywhere. For me, this is best expressed by the scene where the unseen plane flies over the woman in blue, which created a low rumble that shook the entire theater. The film didn't have…
Open City Documentary Festival #5
Was a pleasure to hear Kaori Oda sama talk about the makings of this relevant documentary on the history of Okinawa.
Reflections after the first time I've seen it last february here.
After the second one:
still like it, but the dancer's presence feels a bit out of place. And it's a structural "problem" since it is something that, as far as I know, connects the multiple works that will eventually constitute the final project "Underground".
Really look forward to the next chapters of Oda's project.
@ Forum Yamagata
第一次在大銀幕看小田香,也見到傳說中的寶塚型帥T😂 大段口述想起Straub夫婦,但或許更重要的是解說員身份與日語聲調(似乎也是小田香地下系列,首次出現她熟悉的語言)。洞穴內爬出藍衣女鬼的處理並不新奇,《綠色牢籠》就在幹類似的事,不過存在感與搭配元素都有不錯拿捏:如女鬼用手觸碰遺骨,這幕動人;女鬼坐在海灘,畫外傳來沖繩飛機飛過聲響——召喚二戰可怕記憶。
I had a YIDFF dip during this one, but I didn't want to ,,, the retelling of this story was in the same story telling way I heard in the Hamaguchi Sakae doco, I was really enveloped by it, but sadly did dip, long day I guess