Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.
Drama based on the case history of a Liverpool boy, Graham Gaskin, who spent most of his youth in care.
Paul McGann Hilton McRae Philip Mooney Peter Faulkner Stephanie Fayerman Ina Clough Andrew Carroll John Wild Philip Whitchurch Stuart Richman Paula Tilbrook Ray Burnside Mia Soteriou Harry Goodier Michael O'Hagan Nell Mooney Brian Southwood Tony Monroe Alison Key Phil Rose Sandra Voe Chris Darwin John Grillo Nick Maloney Nick Stringer
For a television movie this is really good and it has an almost circular format. It is quite simple, most likely due to censorship by the BBC, but I am not complaining because this is such a rare view inside the life of a care kid/care leaver. I haven't come across many (maybe any) fictional accounts of life in care other than tracy beaker so to have one that is a true story I feel so honoured to have watched it. I assume that this isn't overly dramatised, in fact it is most likely quite underplayed. I think that it is also rare to see the point of view in media of a young adult who isnt in active education…