A new dimension in fantasy.
American professor Tarl Cabot is transported via a magical ring to planet Gor, where he must help an oppressed country overthrow its evil king and his barbarian henchmen.
American professor Tarl Cabot is transported via a magical ring to planet Gor, where he must help an oppressed country overthrow its evil king and his barbarian henchmen.
John Norman's Gor, Gor E os Guerreiros Selvagens, Гор, 超时空奇缘, Gor e os Guerreiros Selvagens
When I was a very nerdy 14-year old, I discovered John Norman's Gor paperbacks gathering dust at our local used bookstore. I devoured the first 8 books in about 2 weeks. After that, I breathlessly awaited each new installment of the adventures of British professor Tarl Cabot, transported to a strange, savage world filled with barbarians, babes, and alien insects where he fights his way up to become a master swordsman and warlord. Heady stuff for a wimpy adolescent.
Then Norman published Slave Girl of Gor in 1977, an über-creepy S&M fantasy, featuring a female protagonist with a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome who learns to love being abused, humiliated, beaten, and repeatedly violated. I may have been a nerd,…
What were they thinking? Well, Avi Learner of Cannon Films had put some Tax Shelter investments into South Africa and he needed some more movies to be made there to capitalize on them. Harry Alan Towers quickly came up with the answer:
I had heard about a very successful Science Fiction books by John Norman, all involving a mythical country called “Gor.” I acquired the rights, and with the help of a copy of the books and a current issue of Playboy, which featured our young star Rebecca Ferratti, I signed a deal memo with Menaham Golan on a fire hydrant in New York, where he was directing a movie. I went straight on to the airport to catch my…
Maybe it's the other world that's a dream.
Gor was the second in line for the Trash Movie night and I had high hopes for this one.
Cannon produced it and Oliver Reed and Jack Palance are in it, what can go wrong?
Obviously a lot, that's for sure, but not in the way I hoped for.
Gor is at first a barbarian movie and since I watched some other movies from the genre, mostly produced by Roger Corman, I thought I knew what to expect but director Fritz Kiersch had something different in mind.
There's almost no violence which is a no go for that type of movie, but okay, maybe we get a little sleaze to have fun,…
🎞️👎🤢 Das schlechteste Community-Wochenende aller Zeiten 🤮💩🎬 (16. bis 18.02.2024)
Gesichtet wurde die Blu-ray von White Pearl Classics.
Was wäre das SchleCoWaZ ohne einen Film der Cannon-Group, die diesen Monat auch im Rahmen von "Testo 3 - Jetzt erst recht" gewürdigt wird?
Mit "Gor" liefern sie einen ziemlich müden Mix aus Barbarenaction, Abenteuer und Fantasy ab, der keinen Fan eines der Genres vollkommen zufriedenstellen wird.
Ein Professor mit besonderem Ring gelangt nach einem Autounfall in die Gegenwelt namens Gor, in der ein Tyrann gerade einem Volk den Heimatstein stielt. Der Schlipsträger und ein paar der Versklavung und Folter Entkommene machen sich auf den Weg zu des Bösen Burg, um die Gefangenen zu befreien und…
Geeky college lecturer Urbano Barberini bores the tits off his students telling them about an ugly looking ring, a family heirloom, which he suggests is a gateway to a counter Earth. Turns out it is and he is saved from a car crash by being transported to the land of Gor, where a pished Ollie Reed is trying to steal a big purple stone from a village who aren't that willing to part with it. Urbano kills Ollie's son by pure fluke and the villagers believe the dweeb is their saviour. After the shittiest and shortest training montage in cinema history, he's a muscle bound saviour and then la la la, I'm as bored shitless as the students at the…
Of all the 1980s fantasy films I've seen this has to be the nadir. John Norman's Gor series of fantasy novels started off as Edgar Rice Burroughs rip-offs, but soon devolved a vehicle for the author's strong views on women's inherent submissive nature, and that sexual slavery was kinky fun. I read one of them years ago, as prose and as narrative it was rubbish, even if it managed to be slightly more captivating than my high school physics lesson, but that's not exactly the highest of praise. So anyway this combination of sword 'n sorcery 'n bondage should have made for some decent exploitation film fodder and I briefly got my hopes up when I saw the Cannon Films logo,…
Eric has been daring to put this on for ages. It's been sitting there in our Instant Watch list on Netflix for a long, long time. It kept getting skipped over because, well, frankly it looked like crap. I mean, I was only judging from the Netflix photo of it but still. It didn't look good.
And it wasn't. It so fucking wasn't. I was happy to see it starred both Oliver Reed AND Jack Palance. I was hoping for a contest where the two of them would be in a ring and they were acting to the death. Who can chew the most scenery? Winner take all. Except, of course, it didn't happen. Palance just sort of appeared on…
the edible worked a little too well and then i got texted by my friend lauren and my coworker and the work groupchat and my boss and the president and the pope and i didn't know what to say back to my boss so i just sent a gif of one of them olson twins from full house saying "you got it dude" with the classic thumbs up and i had to call lauren and share my phone screen and ask if that was an appropriate response but then i panicked and just sent it so yeah this movie was pretty scary.
Das war ja mal schlecht.
Normalerweise habe ich nichts gegen Trash-Filme, es gibt eigentlich immer was zu Lachen, nackte Haut und viel Gewalt. Doch "Gor" bedient davon eigentlich gar nichts. Der Film ist zwar schlecht, aber Lachen tut man deswegen nicht, nein, man leidet eher. Visuell einfach nur abstoßend und die kämpfe hätte ich mit ein paar Freunden und Stöckern besser hinbekommen. Nacktheit gibt es auch keine, schon eine Enttäuschung, ich meine das ist hier schließlich ein Barbarenfilm. Und Gewalt gibt es auch nicht...keine abgetrennten Körperteile oder viel Blut, nein, einfach nur langweiliges Gekloppe mit Gummischwertern. Die reinste Zeitverschwendung...
Gor with no gore, but instead a pg rating. In parts enjoyable trash. Why is the great Oliver Reed in a film like this.Maybe he needed the money...
Same with Jack Palance. The director Fritz Kiersch made the original Children of the corn film, which ia still his best movie as a director. The film is on a collection called Stardust Box. The follow up is also on this collection. I bought this dvd combo at a flea market for just one euro. The Dvd was more than worth the money. Just because of the classic the Philadelphia Experiment! Also on this collection have been Star Crash 1+2/Moontrap 1+2/Space Ranger/Alien Species/Timesweep/Abraxas and Prometheus Trap..
"I want to see blood"
Gor is proof that the Cannon Group logo before a movie isn't always a good thing. This Barsoom series wannabe offers up a fair amount of sleaze and scantily clad women with big hair but has little to give when it comes to low budget violence or entertainment set on a distant world of war and adventure. Tarl is the last dude I'd ever want on my team in this situation.
Seien wir doch mal ehrlich: 80‘er Barbarenfilme bestechen durch Nacktheit/Sex, Gewalt oder eine Kombination daraus. Das gilt sogar für den Goldstandard und sicher besten Vertreter des Genres Conan, der Barbar. Gor ist von Conan meilenweit entfernt. Und auch bei den niederklassigen Barbarenstreifen hat Gor es schwer. Zu züchtig, zu zahm, zu lahm ist der Film.
Und obwohl ein paar große Namen zu sehen sind (Oliver Reed, Jack Palance, Paul L. Smith), ist auch abseits von Sleaze oder Gewalt nichts zu holen. Die Story verdient sich nicht mal die Bzeichnung, die Kulissen sind meistens äußerst lahm und die Inszenierung (vor allem die Kämpfe) schwankt zwischen ungelenk und unspektakulär.
Nein, trotz Cannon-Logo zu Beginn und einem schönen Artwork auf der Blu-Ray ist das hier kein großer Spaß. Enttäuschend.