The world's largest stop-motion animation film. "Gulp" follows the adventures of a fisherman who is swallowed by a big fish. This animation was shot using a Nokia N8 phone by suspending three phones high above the action on a crane.
The world's largest stop-motion animation film. "Gulp" follows the adventures of a fisherman who is swallowed by a big fish. This animation was shot using a Nokia N8 phone by suspending three phones high above the action on a crane.
elle régale jessie elle œuvre pour nos letterboxd
Mucho ojo a ese final, grande nokia
This is amazing on a technical level with first of all this being shot on Nokia and second of all being the worlds biggest stop-motion
I’ve always kinda wanted to be eaten by a whale
Rien à dire… à part : GÉNIAL !
A beautifully inventive stop motion short.
Psrtek le nokia
Another version of The Old Man and the Sea.
mi thalassophobia entro al chat, gran final
The reverse of the previous short, where instead of microscopic stop motion, we have aerial stop motion on a beach and it’s absolutely brilliant.
I loved how this was done and the style is great, it also looks amazing especially with being filmed all on a phone.