You Can't Spell H-ell Without It.
A notorious serial killer is finally arrested. But even as he is in custody, for some unknown reason, his killings continue outside.
A notorious serial killer is finally arrested. But even as he is in custody, for some unknown reason, his killings continue outside.
Vertraue dem Bösen, H : Murmurs, 에이치, H - Vertraue dem Bösen, H Hypnosis, 隔凶杀人
In the tradition of the early-2000s horror/crime thriller genre, H lays it on thick with its gruesome violence and the harrowing darkness of the human mind. The plot involves copycat serial killings of women in the signature style of a serial killer now on death row. It’s apropos because the film itself is also a brash copycat of key 1990s crime/horror films, namely The Silence of the Lambs (1991) and Se7en (1995), and Cure (1997). Thrown into that mix is the late-1990s preoccupation with major plot twists that interrogate the limits of our perception; I’m talking about The Sixth Sense, Memento, Abre los ojos, The Matrix, The Truman Show, among others. Director and…
Nasty little serial killer movie which unfortunately does not convince completely. There are some really nice visuals and the score is quite good but there are too many flaws for a movie of this genre. Also the acting is not the best for some parts. Overall still an entertaining watch.
has some shades of early 2000’s cinematic charm but is ultimately just very derivative, occasionally grisly for the sake of it, and hideously pro-life in it’s narrative conclusions.
one of my only takeaways is that yum jungah’s lavender collared shirt and black suit look is an all-timer
A sometimes graphic and gruesome Korean crime thriller clearly inspired by better films such as Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs, a copycat killer replays the violent acts of killing what he believes to be immoral women while the psychopath that inspired him awaits his death in prison. H doesn't shy away from disturbing visuals and has some interesting story elements, but the drama between the detectives who always seem to be a step behind gets tiresome quickly, especially the overdramatic lead, and the goofy explanation and conclusion for the murders leaves a lot to be desired. Still only available on DVD as part of the ancient Tartan Asia Extreme line.
Quando se encara o abismo, deve ter em mente que o abismo também te encara de volta.
E quando decide enfrentar um monstro como eu, deve tomar cuidado para não virar um.
H ou Hypnosis é mais um esquecido pelo tempo. Simplesmente não existe nenhuma versão dele em 1080p, ou 720p ou qualquer coisa que não seja um torrent em DvdRip, o que chega a ser surpreendente.
Esse filme é quase que a fusão perfeita entre “Sev7n” e “O Silêncio dos Inocentes” com uma pitada a mais de contextos culturais e um plot bem conhecido dentro dos filmes coreanos do gênero (rs).
Dois policiais muito diferentes um do outro, investigam um caso complexo envolvendo um serial killer que tem como…
When this grim little South Korean mystery thriller isn’t being generic it is really damn good! It’s so funny how the setup and the characters and the structure can be so by the numbers but the dialogue and the violence and the final act revelations can be so remarkable. I enjoyed it though!
The things I loved about this film were all to do with tone and mood. It’s really dark, especially how linked the murders are to pregnancy and abortion. It’s really graphic, with multiple scenes of throats slit, ears sliced off and lots of mangled corpses. It’s also so recognisably Korean with how the conversations go between the characters. There’s so much aggressive banter being bandied about the…
#Seoultember 2024 | No. 1
H is about a series of bloody murders that bear the signature of the imprisoned serial killer Shin Hyun (Cho Seung-woo). Is the police force led by detectives Kim Mi-yun (Yum Jung-ah) and Kang Tae-Hyun (Ji Jin-hee) on the trail of a copycat killer or is Shin Hyun responsible for the crimes from prison? It is the beginning of an exciting thriller that keeps the viewer in good mood with varied investigations and images as well as has some interesting twists in store towards the end.
H handelt von einer Reihe blutiger Mordfälle, die die Handschrift des in Haft befindlichen Serienmörders Shin Hyun (Cho Seung-woo) tragen. Ist die Polizeitruppe um Detektiv Kim Mi-yun (Yum…
Hypnosis - copycat KILLER
yum jung-ah in this movie walked so bae doona in secret forest (2017) could run.. also not to go on about cho seung-woo but that man has the RANGE. he plays a serial killer in the film so this is not the time or place for my quips but sir please drop the skin routine
Like if "Silence of the Lambs" and "Taking Lives" had a baby, but before it was fully born it was cut out and tossed in a landfill (this happens in the movie) (the movie is bad) (I only made it through like 20 minutes before giving up on it)
So that’s why it’s called ‘H’… Also, odd choice of poster 🤔
A mystery killer I guessed right from the beginning, but not for the right reasons. It sort of fails at a ‘gotcha’ moment, it doesn’t necessarily set it up the best way and doesn’t really surprise you either.
But what did surprise me was how graphic H was, it’s pretty fucked up and extreme in its early stages with its imagery which I won’t forget for a some time.
Hilariously lugubrious and self-serious, even by the standards of the serial-killer genre post-Se7en - makes Suspect Zero look like It Happened One Night in comparison. An endless slog through pretentious circular dialogue and grim, ashen-faced detectives uncovering mutilated bodies. Tartan was astonishingly efficient at choking the market with garbage once they saw an opening.