A bus traveling from Belgrade to Zagreb is involved in a tragic accident when a reckless driver causes a catastrophic collision on a rainy night, leading to the tragic deaths of several passengers.
A bus traveling from Belgrade to Zagreb is involved in a tragic accident when a reckless driver causes a catastrophic collision on a rainy night, leading to the tragic deaths of several passengers.
Boris Buzančić Đurđa Ivezić Antun Vrdoljak Vanja Drach Stane Sever Marija Kohn Mira Nikolić Mia Oremović Marijan Lovrić Fabijan Šovagović Pero Kvrgič Ljubica Jović Rudolf Kukić Andro Lušičić Siniša Knaflec Ivan Šubić Milan Orlović Antun Nalis Krunoslava Ebrić-Frlić Stjepan Jurčević Pavle Bogdanović Drago Mitrović Martin Matošević Nedim Omerbegović Nela Eržišnik Marija Aleksić Sanda Fideršeg Rudolf Sremec Ivan Hetrich Show All…
Sangue al km.148, H-8, Кровь на 148 км, H-8 (АШ-8), 不负责任的人
Alfred Hičkok je jednom prilikom rekao:
"Ako snimite scenu u kojoj dva lika sjede za stolom, razgovaraju te posle pet minuta tog razgovora eksplodira bomba koja je bila ispod njihovog stola, time ćete publici pružiti par sekundi uzbuđenja. Međutim, ako istoj prethodno otkrijete da se ispod stola naših protagonista nalazi bomba koja će eksplodirati za pet minuta, time dobijate pet minuta čiste napetosti."
Imajući u vidu prethodno navedeno, onda je "H-8" jedan biser domaće kinematografije. Snimljen bez greške, savršeno montiran, u svojih sat i četrdesetak minuta je približio gledaocu priču svakog od putnika, svaka sekunda njihovog pojavljivanja na platnu je maksimalno iskorištena. Tempo odličan. Napet, ali daje publici par prilika za predah. Ne znam šta bih još dodao. Odličan, odličan film.
The film starts and from the get go we learn that several people have lost their lives in a bus-truck crash. Additionally, we learn which seats will be lethal. Rewinding a few hours earlier and we get to know the passengers that loaded the bus. The game is set, but a twist occurs. The passengers start to meet each other, frequently changing seats. The more time passes, the more their sympathetic and human characteristics manifest. Will the one you care the most die in the upcoming conclusion with a morbid surprise? Move over Clouzot, take a seat Hitchcock, Nikola Tanhofer entered the scene!
It there is a complaint to be made, it is one regarding the radio voice narrators, so embodied by the culture at the time, that seem to reveal a little bit to much at times, or that force a certain emotion.
Ja kapiram da postoji neki prećutni dogovor međ našim filmskim establišmentom da se ignoriše hrvatska proizvodnja za vreme SFRJ, ali brate na koju foru se uvek prećuti ovo remek delo na uštrb kojekakvih crnotalasnih pamfletskih bullshita koji samo vrede jer uviju u foliju stav Tito govno
ko to tamo peva za kulturne ljude
Kako ja sad bilo kom Balkancu da preporučim ili kažem koji sam film gledala, a da me ne dočeka sa na kurcu te n-8…
nemrem vjerovat da su Hrvati prije 66 godina radili ovakve filmove a sad glasaju za hdz i slušaju extrafm ovo je bilo predivno
An absolute classic.
A must watch for not only all the people from former Yugoslavia, but also all over the world. I wish this movie was more known, because structurally, storywise, characterwise, it is probably one of the best movies from the 1950s.
Rest in peace for all the victims of the tragic bus accident in Zagreb, 1957.
I've never seen anything quite like this before. Based on a real incident from the previous year, where 'H8' were the only two characters identified on the license plate of a car that caused a crash that killed eight passengers in a bus and a lorry that had the misfortune to cross its reckless path, the film imagines the last ninety minutes or so of those eight people. Afterward, H8 carried right on driving.
The film is a strange combination of righteously angry and queasily exploitative, teasing us with who amongst the passengers will be the ones to meet their end (on balance, that tends to be those we've been led to love the most) by telling us which seats…
Film #1 in March Around the World 2016
Bookended by intense, excellently edited sequences of violence, destruction, and the loss of human life, the bulk of the powerful H-8... explores the lives of those people who died in a devastating collision caused by an unknown third party. No matter their character faults, their histories, their renown (or notoriety), every life is shown to be valuable. Every person is both proud and vulnerable; every person is a complete, glorious human being. What the film gets right that so few films ever do is its creation of complex characters that seem to actually matter. A film that is perhaps in the same vein as Grand Hotel, H-8... uses its ensemble cast to…
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