A transgender woman, Haddi, moves to Delhi to join a gang of transpeople and cross-dressers headed by an influential man. But is this move aspirational or driven by revenge?
A transgender woman, Haddi, moves to Delhi to join a gang of transpeople and cross-dressers headed by an influential man. But is this move aspirational or driven by revenge?
Anurag Kashyap’s goofy antagonist donning the AirPods Max whilst a bloody massacre of exclusively transwoman ensues; whereas, Nawazzudin weeping to the charred bones (including a skull) of a lover are scenes that cannot be cooked up, even by the most of filthiest drug labs.
HADDI is shockingly bad as it depicts a central Trans narrative without realistic, emotional weight albeit its revenge thriller context
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
There are many reasons this film is called Haddi. It is the name of the protagonist who is a transwoman and we get the horrific backstory of why she came to be called that in youth. As an adult, she comes to own her moniker – this is a revenge saga and Haddi creates serious trouble for a certain set of people. As the background score reminds us: galle mein atki haddi. The title also refers to actual bones – among other things, the bad guys in the film sell bones. At one point, we get an expository passage about how the flesh of a dead body is separated from the bone and then prepped for sale. This is graphically…
Puppy masala filmmaking but needed more nuance towards the last quarter to pay emotional investment of the viewer
After about 40 minutes, I had to concede that there's something about the story that I just wasn't following. Maybe it's not having enough cultural context myself, or maybe necessary info was missing from the story. Whatever the case, I bailed out.
kuch samajha nahi
Except for the climax, and a few scenes and logics, most of the film worked for me. Even in the climax, when I felt it was so spoilt, there's a question that the main antagonist, played by Anurag Kashyap, asks Haddi. "Do you think you'll become a woman by killing me?", and the reply Haddi gives is so good, that I wanted to rate this film more than I what I initially thought of.
Watched it but couldn't look at it. Felt cheap. Something was off.
I hate them so much for running Nawaz's performance by writing this plot, full of loopholes. This could have been a masterpiece. People saying that Anuraj's performance wasn't good, I would say it was great. The only thing which made it weak was the plot.
As a mainstream film, it was good. But showing the brutal reality of marginalized community through the mainstream perspective wasn't a great idea.
Nawaz performance was the only thing which saved the film to some extent. In the start and middle of film, you are showing such realistic shots, and then you had to add those mainstream or unrealistic shots or twists, I mean, come on, why? For example, when Haddi was shot so many…
An effective Nawaz makes this revenge thriller watchable but just doesn't scale enough heights.
Massy revenge
किसी भी emotional सिन में रेखा भारद्वाज का आलाप लगा दो, वो और ज्यादा emotional हो जाता है अपने आप ।
Nawaz Bhai you beauty