After the death of his father, Aman decided to become an illegal e-hailing driver. By driving, Aman tries to understand the life of hustle and bustle Kuala Lumpur.
After the death of his father, Aman decided to become an illegal e-hailing driver. By driving, Aman tries to understand the life of hustle and bustle Kuala Lumpur.
Hail Driver!, Hail, Driver!, 网约车司机, Hail, driver
Malaysia Cinema Watch #3
[Malaysia's submission for Best International Feature Film for the 2022 Oscar Award]
The thing that infuriates me the most is how the local folks here called this a "thought-provoking" film but in truth, it's just a shallow movie that's too afraid of giving a more profound view of the theme its tackling. So many topics covered in this - systemic racism, abortions, corrupt politicians, and the exploitation of lower class folks but sadly, the movie explored all of them in a safe and on-the-surface manner that had me rolling my eyes out. The film had so much potential but the lacklustre execution and direction ruined this film for me.
Nevertheless, there are a few good aspects…
Prebet Sapu, also known as Hail Driver!, made some small rounds in Malaysian film circles as one of the country's first genuine attempts in creating and distributing a film that held its artistic inclinations on its sleeve. Shot in black and white and utilizing a more segmented, free-flowing feel for its scenes, it was actually sent by Malaysia to the Oscar's as its nomination for Best International Film, though it was not chosen.
I admit to have let this past me by when it was airing in cinemas, due to circumstances beyond my control and also a general bias against Malaysian cinema; I am ready to admit that I might have been part of the problem. I remained unknowing of…
ask a driver if you wanna know a city. KL, the capital of malaysia is filled with labouring immigrants, hopeless politics, increasing living cost and shitloads of road holes. black and white cinematography makes relation with everything seem cold and distant.
big city, small people, tough life.
Such an immaculate film—I suka. This is the kind of work I dream of creating. It shows how simple techniques can reach another level. Muzzamer's skill shines through in his simple yet powerful storytelling. Its simplicity is what makes it so awe-inspiring. Thank you, Prebet Sapu, for existing.
malaysian cinema is back, baby!
yes, prebet sapu is a slow-paced movie and generally i’m not a slow-paced movie kinda guy, but this movie is an exception. prebet sapu focuses on the ugly truth of living in malaysia (especially in kuala lumpur), how hard it is to survive, to make a sincere living in this day and age, and how politics tie into all of this.
i can’t help but notice a significant amount of taxi driver (1976) references made in this movie. for instance, aman is a driver that drives people around as a living. he does so alone, in the metropolitan and big city of kuala lumpur. same goes to travis bickle, a lonely taxi driver that drives…
Precious, simple movie. I love aman. He is a good man. No matter how hard life push him down, he still think of the good and light. He always a kind spirited guy.
I like that. Because very often, movies that deals with grit, lose its compassion. But this movie had alot of heart. Alot of Innocence. I like that.
"Big city, small people, tough life."
First reaction: Man, you were THIS CLOSE to becoming a really good film.
Prebet Sapu is the kind of film that is tailored to my taste. "A story about the struggles of living in the big city in monochromatic colours? Sign me up!" And in some ways, the film really reaches my expectations. The tone of the film jumps between the gritty, depressing 70s city films that were well known by Martin Scorsese and the youthful 90s films that were popularized by Wong Kar Wai (Bella is straight up a Wong Kar Wai character). But at the same time, there is some originality of the film that can be separated from both Scorsese and…
malaysian filmmakers, THIS is how you do a good film.
This is my second viewing of Prebet Sapu, a work by Muzzamer Rahman. I see this film as a positive attempt to give new life to the Malaysian film industry, which has been a terrible nightmare for all of us. This film is a tale of an underprivileged living in the nation’s capital. It's basically a drama, but it’s not as stiff and dull as other (not all) Malaysian drama films. The visuals are the major strength of Prebet Sapu. I adore Kuala Lumpur very much, and Muzzamer successfully proved why I adore KL. The city, the buildings, the roads, are all beautifully captured in Prebet Sapu. Also, the 'Wong Kar-wai'-esque shots are just lovely!
The writing is just okay,…
Penumpang: malaysia bagus ya. Kotanya maju, nyari kerja gampang.
Aman dalem hati bilek: yakin dek??
Personally feel that the film plays it a little too safe, a little too clean instead of actually showing the dark side of KL. Take Chow Kit or Songlap for example, the characters and whatever around them feel much more interesting.
Appreciate the artistic values, more show and less tell, and the e-hailing syndicate that I didn't even know exist here. But I just can't see any rewatch value.
Perhaps this would change if I give it another try in the future, but nonetheless this is a good step forward.
"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu bata di negeri sendiri."