In the near future we must save Earth or leave it
As a young scientist searches for a way to save a dying Earth, she finds a connection with a man who's racing to catch the last shuttle off the planet.
As a young scientist searches for a way to save a dying Earth, she finds a connection with a man who's racing to catch the last shuttle off the planet.
Clay Jeter Alain Peyrollaz Thomas B. Fore Johnny Mac Jason Spire Victor Shapiro Charles Spano Ryan Lough Will Basanta Anthony Mackie Dave Hansen Raphael Swann
Mandalay Pictures Baked Studios Sunset Junction Entertainment Untitled Entertainment Good Lap Production Okanagan Media
IO: Last on Earth, Io - Sola sulla Terra, IO 라스트 온 어스, IO: Sola en la Tierra, 少女救地球, Destination IO, ИО, IO - Sola sulla Terra, איו: אחרונה על כדור הארץ, IO: Ostatnia na Ziemi, IO – O Último na Terra, Ιώ, Нашето бъдеще, 少女地球守护者, ผู้ยืนหยัดคนสุดท้าย, ІО, იო, ユピテルとイオ
fuck off netflix
IO most fell asleep several times.
everyone leaving margaret qualley on earth by herself? idk it just doesn't seem realistic to me i would never do that
“Earth is not dying, it's being reborn”
Do any content managers at NETFLIX just stop, slow down and actually ask themselves ”what fuck are we doing? Why are we making or buying this? Who is going to watch this?” I mean seriously. Whoever passed this as a purchase needs to be indicted on gross negligence to the human population of planet earth. What an absolute unflinching train wreck of a disaster this picture is. Left with the ironic despair of wanting the characters to take their masks off and suffocate for this travesty to end, only to find out they'd still be alive is absolutely devastating.
Man, this movie is so forgettable. I literally watched it last night and I barely remember anything.
The issue is that this is so boring. Like, I get it's not meant to be an action-packed film, but it still needs to be enticing, and this just isn't. It;s very hard to care about a film when it doesn't give you anything to care about.
I do have to say though, this is pretty well-made, technically speaking. There are some truly beautiful shots in this. The acting is fine but nothing spectacular.
I like the concept and the technical execution is good but they unfortunately forgot to put anything of real interest in here...
This movie may be too slow-burn and ambitious for its own good. A lot of parts are just too forced, boring, and a little pretentious at times. However I did enjoy the message and how it was told (sometimes). It’s basically a love letter to Earth and how we need to take after our home. The sets, atmosphere, and the acting were great. Especially the acting.
if the future is this boring then god save us all
Wait.... What?!
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Let's set the scene. At a key moment before embarking on a potentially lethal journey, the handsomely stoic Micah (Anthony Mackie) tells to intrepid scientist Sam Walden (Margaret Qualley) the story of how he let his wife starve to death so that he could survive. An act that he ultimately blames on Sam's father, Dr. Henry Walden (Danny Huston), and Micah apparently traveled hundreds of miles to settle this beef in person, before events lead to him screwing Dr. Walden's daughter instead.
Sam's response? "Thanks for telling me that." Spoken through the impassive Serious Facial Expression that Ms. Qualley wears throughout the film. And then that's that.
Think about the fact that this moment was written, discussed, and apparently agreed…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
go see WALL-E, same spirit, more fun and a better example of a "good story, well told
The concept is seemingly original and interesting. I saw the trailer and was intrigued enough to watch. But halfway through I realized that this movie has nothing to offer than just an interesting premise.
There is little suspense in the story and the characters don't act like the movie established they should. There are action scenes that somehow put me to sleep.
There is just nothing worth telling here. One of the most boring movies I've ever seen.
A movie that is so bland that I completely forgot that I watched this yesterday and didn’t log it.
—2019 Films Ranked—
Current Position: #4/7
I still need 10 more films for my watchlist, so if ya got any suggestions, let me knowww:
Suggestions Watchlist