A murder opens up a bleak trail of long buried secrets and small town corruption for a worn out police detective and his squad.
A murder opens up a bleak trail of long buried secrets and small town corruption for a worn out police detective and his squad.
Ingvar E. Sigurðsson Ágústa Eva Erlendsdóttir Björn Hlynur Haraldsson Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir Atli Rafn Sigurðsson Kristbjörg Kjeld Þorsteinn Gunnarsson Theodór Júlíusson Þórunn Magnea Magnúsdóttir Guðmunda Elíasdóttir Walter Grímsson Magnús Ragnarsson Rafnhildur Rósa Atladótir Jón Sigurbjörnsson Valdimar Örn Flygenring Thor Tulinius Ása Hlín Svavarsdóttir Eyvindur Erlendsson Elma Lísa Gunnarsdóttir Erlendur Eiríksson Kristinn Ágúst Friðfinnsson Kári Stefánsson Þórhallur Gunnarsson Sigurður Már Ólafsson Hjalti Gunnarsson Jón Viðar Arnþórsson Guðrún Birna Gísladóttir Bjarni Geir Patric Alfreðsson Katrín Óskarsson Show All…
Räme, La cité des jarres, Mýrin, Crime Scene, Severní blata, Der Tote aus Nordermoor, Las marismas, Mýrin / Noorderveen, Bagno, Отблъскващият град, Vérvonal, 冰岛犯罪现场, Трясина, 湿地
Superior Nordic noir crime procedural with the great Icelandic actor Ingvar Sigurdsson as a (stereo)typically troubled police detective trying to solve a murder which may be linked to a genetic disease.
What lifts this above the standard fare are fine performances, a nicely plotted story and the washed out colours of the cold, rainy Icelandic backdrop.
The World Is More Than Enough - 30 Countries In 30 Days Challenge (14 / 30) - Iceland
I think that either Jar City caught me on a day when I was not in the mood for a relentlessly grim Nordic police procedural thriller, I'm really tired of relentlessly grim Nordic police procedural thrillers, or this is one of the more cliche-riddled relentlessly grim Nordic police procedural thrillers that I have seen to date.
Or maybe it was all three?
I just didn't warm to this one at all. I appreciated that it tried to be something slightly different with the two concurrent storylines and the Icelandic landscapes are unbelievably beautiful, but I endured this rather than enjoyed. So much…
Iceland’s The Master
Iceland seems like such a miserable place to live holy shit what a depressing ass movie. I honestly was confused at the end because two of the actors look exactly the same and it took until the last scene for me to realize they were 2 different people. Thats an L for me tho and not the movie IG.
Also all the eating scenes made me want to vomit
Also the soundtrack was awesome.
You think you can put on armor and defend yourself against it. That you can watch the filth around you from a distance like its none of your business. But all this repulsion haunts you like an evil spirit. In the end you even forget how ordinary people live their lives.
Solid Nordic noir with a great lead performance from Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson as Erlendur, the world-weary cop with a mystery to unravel. Starting out with the discovery of a murdered man and the death of a child from a rare disease, the story takes us on a journey through past crimes, corrupt cops, and genetic research to unravel hidden secrets.
Erlendur is a great character, chain smoking with his…
Law and Order wishes!!
This was okay, kind of your average procedural in some ways but what separates it out is the sadness and tragedy. I’ve only watched two Icelandic films and both were pretty darn sad.. I really like the setting of Iceland though as a backdrop - it’s like an automatic mood of gloom .. well at least inthe two films I’ve seen 😬... I also really liked this directors show Trapped , the first season anyways I thought was great ..
Watched for NOIRVEMBER 2019
At no point was I sure who was who… sorry Walsh, my notes for this one are ASS
«Velkommen til McDonalds Island, kan jeg ta imot din bestilling?»
«Ja takk, én McSauehode»
«Skal bli, noe mer?
«Kan du gjøre øyet ekstra vått og ekkelt?»
«Jepp, neste luke👍🏼»
why is it always serious movies where the chasing scenes are complete shit?
“A typical Icelandic murder, messy and pointless. And with no attempt to conceal the evidence.” Reykjavik filmed as a totally joyless place; a washed-out world as void of trees as it is free from seemingly inescapable cycles of unhappiness and helplessness. Two parallel storylines – an unrepentantly ugly man’s miserable murder and a bourgeois couple grieving for their dead child – gradually converging on an especially sad smalltown scandal from 1974. “Why do we have eyes?” “To see with.” “No, to cry with.” The real crime, perhaps, a system that’s happy to hide all its misery away under the name of national health; a country busy so carefully cataloguing and taxonomizing all its ills and defects for the sake of eliminating them entirely, never stopping to consider the actual human cost of so much carefully collected data. “In the end, you forget how ordinary people live their lives.”
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A very Icelandic noir, a hereditary genetic brain disease - neurofibromatosis - buried in the remote past of a pair of crooked cops Gretar and Ellidi who were blackmailed by another Runar officer, using immoral photographs as well as helping them drop the rape charges against Kolbrun .Apparently the murder of Holberg, which Detective Erlendur attended, was of no greater importance, and he immediately threw more mysteries than normal for having to go to the surly Ellin, Kolbrun's sister. Little by little the mystery is unraveled since in the basement of the late Holburg were the bodies of women and the other missing officer. So in the end, the crime is the natural but angry reaction of a father who loses his daughter due to the aforementioned disease, and which was transmitted by the unfortunate father whom he murdered with the ashtray. The exterior cinematographic sequences are impressive. Unfortunately Orn's suicide after killing his dad was perfectly predictable.