- Sophie Turner doing a horrible and false accent, bae sorry, ppl don't talk like that ;
- Right at the beginning a scene with a prejudiced content on the nationality of a character ;
- The number of times Sophie said "YEP" and "NOP" my god the annoyment was real ;
- The plot tries too hard to be Lolita but ended up being The Crush idk ;
- It's pretty rare for me to find a movie boring . . . but . . . there are always exceptions ;
- That "twist" ;
*unnecessary shots*.
I mean, you see where i'm going, just look at the synopsis of this, honestly . . . "everyone knows everyone in huntsville. so when tattooed, sweet-talking (lmao yeah that's a pretty important statement) Josie struts into town, heads turn (...)", anyways, the turtle race was cool tho, so, a half star for that.