Kukuli, a young llama herder, leaves her grandparents in the countryside of Cusco to attend the Feast of Mamacha Carmen in the town of Paucartambo.
Kukuli, a young llama herder, leaves her grandparents in the countryside of Cusco to attend the Feast of Mamacha Carmen in the town of Paucartambo.
Cuculí, Paloma Torcaza, Дикая голубка
The vibrant tapestry of the landscape, priceless for ethnographic exploration, unfolds as the backdrop to a simple yet moving local legend. Guided by the vision of three directors, we are granted a glimpse into the ancient cultural customs, festivities, and ceremonies of Peru during the mid-20th century, where time appeared to have stood still. The enchanting tale of the shepherdess Kukuli (aka White Dove) and her encounter with a mountain bear somehow takes a backseat, allowing the discerning cinematic eye and its documentary observations to take center stage. As the first film made in the Quechua language, it left an indelible mark on my soul. It's a true anthropological delight, immortalized on bright colour film. While the current print may not capture every minute detail due to its age, the colours remain remarkably vivid and radiant, transporting you to the ambiance of a scorching summer day in the foothills of the Andes.
This is a rare breed of film whose particular marriage of documentary and storytelling impeccably captures a cultural life that is ever diluting within the rigors of modernity's powerful homogenization. Highlighted by the participation of Inca descendents performing over 50 years ago in their rooted Andean landscape, it's a timeless production of a mythic tale, now impossible to reproduce with such primary authority.
There are some covertly reactionary features of the narrative voice here that annoyed me pretty badly during the first half hour, overall effect being (like unto) a smug 1910 essayist finding quaint and colorful points of interest in Inca culture, without ever letting go of his hierarchical status as Great European Father at the top of the pyramid or of the political stuctures that colonized the Natives and kept them in a subjugated, subsidiary position.
Once that guy shuts up, I had no problem with it -- the dance/festival/folk-theatre/ritual qualities of the action in the second half were pretty dazzling.
The narration is pretty distracting so when that guy ain't talking there are things to appreciate here — the beautiful landscapes, colours (even in the poor print), the ethnographic qualities, the lyrical look at folk rituals, culture; the second half takes an interesting turn and for the better.
C'est vraiment très vieillot, un mix weird entre les documentaires animaliers de Walt Disney des années 50 (dans son esthétique, car c'est une fiction avec des humains) avec le cinéma soviétique du début des années 30 (à la Dovjenko, un peu).
En tout cas on m'avait promis beaucoup plus de lamas. J'imagine qu'ils sont plus fréquents en animation (Un empereur nouveau genre, Tintin et le temple du soleil) parce que ce sont de mauvais acteurs?
Excellent animal performances
La última parte de la película da un giro mucho más dramático y se inspira en un famoso mito andino, "El Oso Raptor". La historia original trata de una hermosa campesina que es llevada a una cueva por un oso. El oso la obliga a quedarse y la viola. De esa agresión nace un niño que acaba rebelándose contra su padre, se lleva a su madre a su pueblo original y más tarde mata a su padre. Muchas personas interpretaron originalmente la historia como un cuento de advertencia sobre el primer encuentro sexual de una niña indígena, pero otros han encontrado interpretaciones diferentes. El oso es visto como un conquistador y su hijo es como todos los hijos mestizos de…
Chicha's delirium...
Esto solo reafirma mi opinión de que la mayoría de la buenas películas nacionales están fuera de la capital 🎥
Diablo con cabeza de galgo
blissful ecstasy of pantheistic lyricism. Unique piece of art <3 <3