A darkly satirical sci-fi comedy about a pathetic man who discovers a frequency that induces mind control. At least I think LFO is meant to be comedic, since the premise is presented with a touch of subtle absurdity.
However our protagonist’s pathetic inadequacies and narcissistic pettiness quickly evolves into an uncomfortable fucked-up “experiment”, as he uses his technology to humiliate, rape, mind-wipe, control his neighbors and beyond. Starts off small - clean my windows, find me attractive - before escalating to megalomaniacal pranks, God Complex delusions, and forcing people to role-play for his amusement and therapy. The ending fizzles out even as it swings for the fences in a big way, but the gross and twisted journey of this sci-fi gem will get under your skin.
Between stuff like this, Daniel Isn’t Real, Mandy, and more, SpectreVision has become a low-key goldmine for unique off-beat genre films.