A cat named Lorenzo is dismayed to discover that his tail has developed a personality of its own.
A cat named Lorenzo is dismayed to discover that his tail has developed a personality of its own.
Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection - Lorenzo, Lorenzo the Cat, לורנצו, Лоренцо, 로렌조, 洛伦佐, ロレンゾ, Λορέντζο, 羅倫佐
Sort of like the 'possessed hand' sequence from Evil Dead II, if Sam Raimi was a disney animator and Bruce Campbell was an overweight, snobbish blue cat.
Solid story and the animation was fantastic. Really good short.
PURE. NIGHTMARE. FUEL. If I was a little kid the chair I'd be sitting on watching this would be a massive mess.
So naturally not being a kid I adored it. Delightfully dark, morbidly colorful, and perfect music, I'd gladly show this to my kids and watch them create a mess, then make them clean it up, all with a massive smile on my face and a cackle ringing through their ears.
This feels like a reject even for the standards of a Disney package film. Coming from someone who hasn't seen Jeckll and Hyde, this may go hard with the 'I will live inside you forever!' song.
fuck you lorenzo dumbass italian
Really cute, I love that Disney tries different art styles with their shorts but it's time they started doing it again with their movies.
I have to say though, how is that possible that they always give my name to villainous characters?? 😭
I need to start suing someone.
I'm actually really surprised I hadn't seen this short before. The neon colors against the dark background make everything pop. The animation is extremely unique as well. But honestly, who wouldn't love a movie about a cat with a possessed tail?
Unusually for a company as good at exploiting every drawing ever produced by its artists as Disney, this was effectively unavailable for over a decade, and those are lost years that I suspect killed any chance this ever had of developing a proper reputation. That's a horrible shame: this is possibly the most interesting five minutes released by the Walt Disney Animation Studios in the 2000s. It is, to begin with, unusually horrifying, with the impossible black voids that make up its universe (achieved by painting the backgrounds on black construction paper - similar to the technique used on Batman: The Animated Series) constantly looming over the brightly-colored characters like the inside of a tomb. The ill-treated black cat whose…
The story of a cat, its tail, and a tango, Mike Gabriel's "Lorenzo" is a colorful animated short. Featuring a rotund feline with an enchanted appendage, the film is fun and frothy but featherweight.
More like an artful music video that a fully engaging short drama, "Lorenzo" presents a burst of high-contrast frames against a black background and romantic rhythms. Telling the story of a cursed cat who is forced to contend with his tail, the tale does not offer much story but puts a premium on animated verve. That animation is appealing, communicating a two-dimensional world of neon shades and dancing shadows. It is a vivid, sometimes arresting aesthetic.
Though there is not much beyond its fizzy look, "Lorenzo" is amusingly watchable. Its animation powers the short, and, though it may be be flimsy as a film, the work is fun while it lasts.
Truly amazing colors and art direction (Suspiria WISHES). This gets super dark? Kinda fucked up.
Mio Dio ma parla di me
P. S. Se lo volete vedere, ecco il link: Tanto dura 4 minuti.
God, I love the animation style of this. The way it plays with color and light over a dark background and melds digital backgrounds with (I'm assuming) hand-drawn characters is beyond beautiful.