This short tells the story about the existing boundary between what is masculine and feminine in the Peruvian LGBT community.
This short tells the story about the existing boundary between what is masculine and feminine in the Peruvian LGBT community.
Fronteras: Lóxoro
Watched this right after Madeinusa and I see Claudia Llosa is interested in communities, language, and it’s existence within the context of what it exists outside of it.
Loxoro is a version/dialect of Spanish spoken in largely by the queer community in Lima. The film doesn’t get too much into this but it showcases and presents within the story of a woman searching for a missing person close to her the language and the communication.
A darkness in Loxoro is also present; the cold, traumatic opening of the short presents violence against trans women. Inferred that this is the woman our main character is searching for.
Loxoro in that way presents why there’s been a need to have their own language, closed in from a world that’s antagonistic and dangerous to them; community needs to be strong to the point of language.
The ultimate form of “otherness”, of being someone else, of belonging to something else: a different language.
Yo no soy un señor, no me ve? Yo no soy un señor soy una señora.
No me ve? When Makuti says this words to the taxi driver, she’s asking why don’t you see me. I am what I am and you have to see that.
A short story clouded by darkness and pain. But filled with the immense power of community. A unique dialect that protects them. Loxoro seems to be how you easily identify each other. In order to know who to trust.
While it isn’t fully fleshed out bc it’s a short film, its an insightful introduction into gender and lgbtq+ politics in Peru, specifically focusing on trans women
gritty and thought-provoking. las vidas trans importan.
Loved the colors. Such a. Well made movie
lerexas manifiestense
Todo peruano debería verla para que sepa como es la realidad de las minorias
poor mia :(
« Loxoro « o « húngaro » alude a una codificación lingüística particular que utilizan las personas trans y la comunidad lgbt en el Perú, para circular información sin el riesgo de que el mensaje sea advertido por otras personas.
"Yo no soy un señor, ¿no me ve? Mire, ¿qué ve en mí? Yo no soy un señor, soy una señora."
un corto que te hará llorar sobre la cruda realidad que viven las personas trans en el Perú, simplemente hermoso.
Poderia ser uma Inspiração para um longa metragem. São raros os filmes peruanos que tratam sobre a mulher e o homem transgênero. Loxoro é um ótimo filme sobre a transfobia, sobre um país com uma mentalidade preconceituosa, concervadora e extremamente violenta. Quando falamos de identidade Latino Americana, esse é um dos grandes problemas que o Brasil também enfrenta, a transfobia.
Trans trauma porn. But surprisingly well done, thoughtful, inclusive, and fleshed out trans trauma porn! 71%