Jesmark, a struggling fisherman on the island of Malta, is forced to turn his back on generations of tradition and risk everything by entering the world of black market fishing to provide for his girlfriend and newborn baby.
Jesmark, a struggling fisherman on the island of Malta, is forced to turn his back on generations of tradition and risk everything by entering the world of black market fishing to provide for his girlfriend and newborn baby.
Jesmark Scicluna Michela Farrugia David Scicluna Frida Cauchi Uday K Maclean Timur Ali Marta Vella Marlene Schranz Marcelle Teuma Anthony Ellul Stephen Buhagiar Royin Grech Rebecca Fenech Joseph Schiavone Ignazio Schembri Frank Tanti Reece Vella Joseph Agius Philip Agius Emanuele Muscat Noel Grech Mario Muscat Yorgen Vella Carmel Bonavia Horace Fenech Yuric Allison Thelma Abela Joseph Scicluna Adrian Farrugia Show All…
Луззу, Luzzu - Fiskeren fra Valletta, 루쯔, Луццу, Entre Águas, 沧海渔生, Το Σκαρί, סירת עץ, ლუზუ
One of the few great uses of the Ship of Theseus (humbly too), cleverly weaving scenes where parts are stripped and replaced and repaired throughout for what seems like no more than additional verisimilitude as well as a reinforcement of the literal labor of love put into old trades. A boat is a boat is a boat, it is and was a way of life that constitutes much more than just wood and nails – and yet such tradition is dying no matter how many layers of paint are put on. In the face of hardship it is easy to believe that we are only what we do, what we can provide.
The sacrifices our parents make for us are…
"A fish stays in the bowl never grows" -Fisherman dude.
- 2021 Ranked:
- Sundance 2021 Ranked:
What happens to your ethics when they get in the way of survival? How does one reconcile personal need with the greater good? Luzzu does such a good job of considering these questions and infusing these larger social issues into a very personal and intimate story. This is some of my favorite cinematography at Sundance and it features a subtle but powerful performance by Jesmark Scicluna. It's a great film about how the world incentivizes bad behavior and I really enjoyed it.
It's a winner... literally.
My second to last Sundance screening and what a wonderful watch Luzzu has proven to be.
Quiet but with plenty to say under the surface, I found myself so captivated by the story Luzzu has to share. Both an examination of surrendering the familiar for the sake of the future and what prioritizing fatherhood can mean.
It was a great honor to watch a film about Malta, filmed in Malta, featuring individuals from Malta. A down to earth watch that is able to convey both great sadness and determined hope. A truly great film that I’m thrilled to have made the time for!
Sundance #6
**Jesmark is a fisherman with a leak in his luzzu boat. With a bad fishing season, the task of taking care of his wife and son, Jesmark turns to a blackmarket of fishing.**
My second fishing movie of Sundance 2021 and the only conclusion I've come to is that fisherman don't get paid enough.
Neo-neorealism, a soul adrift as the world passes him by. One man alone can't make it in this world - not as a father, not as a fisherman, and perhaps most difficult to reconcile, not as a man.
Jesmark clings onto traditions, but they can only hold so far. The baby needs formula, the boat needs repairs, bills need to be paid and debts need to be honored. There's not enough time in the day to work, and not enough fish in the sea to catch (especially when trawlers, regulations and climate change is so radically altering the bountiful blue world his ancestors drew their lifeblood from). All of this is explicitly spoken in one way or another, but it…
Sundance Movie #33
So I’ve now been up for almost 24 hours, watching Sundance movies, and Luzzu is the last one before I hit the hay for today. I was debating trying to tough it out and watch one more after this, but I feel like if I stay up any longer, my eyes and my brain will explode —so I better get some rest.
Who would’ve thought I would enjoy a movie about black market fishing? Well, I dug this movie. It’s gotten like 0 buzz at the festival which isn’t surprising cuz foreign films typically don’t get as much buzz at Sundance, but this movie was pretty solid and somehow intriguing.
Only got one premiere tomorrow scheduled but I…
Luzzus are traditional fishing boats; beautiful, bright and colourful, with carved eyes.
Luzzu is a simple yet captivating, impactful, thoughtful, poignant and beautiful story about a fisherman struggling to provide for his family, while also trying to become a better father.
A fascinating tale of survival in a modern world, where a man has to detach himself from one of the oldest Maltese traditions to be able to afford his son's special medical treatment. Fishing is his way of living, but, unfortunately, it's not profitable. For that reason, he decides to put aside his personal ethics, and enter Malta's black-market fishing industry.
How much are you willing to sacrifice to guarantee the welfare of your family?
I think this is…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Grand Theft Fishing: Malta
Hot fisherman is trying to make a living. Hot fisherman has hot wife and their son isn’t growing. Hot fisherman sells illegal fish, sells gas, sells fake scallops to make end’s meet for his son. He’s hot and he HUSTLES. Hot fisherman eventually retires his boat for $7K and buys a freezer van to keep hustling. Very hot fisherman, lots of fish. FISH
All I can think about are my country's own fishermen being constantly harassed and rammed by Chinese vessels inside Philippine territory. And the worse part is, this is all happening with the consent of our own government, our president being a Chinese lapdog and all.
< Ang Ranking: Best International Feature Film submissions to the 94th Academy Awards >
Do you enjoy vibing off a culture you're not familiar with at all? Luzzu got you.
LUZZU may be a familiar story but its neorealist style & Malta setting helps it to standout just enough. Jesmark Scicluna’s grounded performance is subtle but captivating in its simplicity. The fact that he’s a non-actor makes it all the more impressive. A film as calm as the sea.
Sundance #52
"يخوض الآباء معارك من أجل أبناءهم.. لكن أولئك الأبناء لا يدرون عنها شيئاً"
كم هي صعبة تلك الحياة، نتصارع معها في كل يوم وليلة وقد نظفر منها في معركة ونخسر منها في أخرى، لكن الحرب مربوحة بالتأكيد لها، لأننا جميعاً راحلون أما الحياة فتبقى مستمرة..
تناول هذا الفيلم واحدة من تلكم الصراعات والتي كان بطلها أب صياد ورث مهنة الصيد من والده وأجداده، ورغم سعة الرزق الكبير الموجود أسفل مياه البحار إلا أن القوانين الحكومية الصارمة قد ضيقت على أولئك الصيادين الذين أصبحوا لا يملكون إلا القوت القليل..
هنا تبدأ الحياة في استخدام أساليبها الملتوية للضغط على ذلك الصياد أكثر وأكثر فوق فاقته وإعالته لزوجته التي بعد إنجابها لإبنه لم تعد تهتم بزوجها مثل السابق بل ومع التغيرات التي تطرأ…