Another entertaining film with Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell.
The island of Macao is just off Hong Kong and is a crossroads of peoples: Portuguese, Chinese, British, Taiwanese, and, Americans. One American, played by Brad Dexter, is a boss of a gambling house. He's also staying on the island and within the 3-mile jurisdiction to avoid extradition or capture by the American government.
Onto this island arrives Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell, who has just lifted Mitchum's wallet with his passport, taken the money, and tossed the wallet overboard. This leaves Mitchum on the island with no papers so Dexter assumes he's a US agent sent to bring him back.
The commentary track was pretty entertaining with Eddie Muller talking with screenwriter Stanley Rubin but it doesn't have a whole lot to do with the film itself. Jane Russell kicks in a comment every now and then.