Molière, a down-and-out actor-cum-playwright up to his ears in debt. When the wealthy Jourdain offers to cover that debt so that Molière's theatrical talents might help Jourdain win the heart of a certain widowed marquise, hilarity ensues.
Molière, a down-and-out actor-cum-playwright up to his ears in debt. When the wealthy Jourdain offers to cover that debt so that Molière's theatrical talents might help Jourdain win the heart of a certain widowed marquise, hilarity ensues.
Romain Duris Fabrice Luchini Édouard Baer Ludivine Sagnier Laura Morante Fanny Valette Gonzague Montuel Gilian Petrovski Sophie-Charlotte Husson Anne Suarez Annelise Hesme Alban Casterman Luc Tremblais Nicolas Vaude Philippe du Janerand Isabelle Caubère Mélanie Dos Santos Pierre Laplace Wilfred Benaïche François Civil Jean-Michel Lahmi Marie Gili-Pierre Arié Elmaleh Francis Van Litsenborgh Antoine Blanquefort
Maya Benamer Amélie Bouilly Anne Caramagnol Michèle Constantinides Bénédicte De Lataillade Frédérique Ney Vesna Peborde Cécile Pellerin Fabie Roger-Clech
Die Liebesabenteuer des Herrn Molière, Le avventure galanti del giovane Molière, Las aventuras amorosas del joven Molière, Мольер, מולייר, モリエール 恋こそ喜劇, Молиер, 莫里哀情史, As Aventuras de Molière, 몰리에르, Мольєр, Zakochany Molier
why does the description of this say “cum”
Watched this for French class. Probably one of the most annoying films I’ve ever seen.
Ah yes I love men making horse noises for French class
this film reminds me how horny straight people are, and also how much hotter women are than men
i will pay anyone all my money ($12.92) to tell me what actually happened in this movie
Vu en français. Vu, et pas entendu, puisque cette prof sensée pouvoir avoir des spés cinéma ne sait pas mettre du son sur un ordinateur. C'est cocasse.
je deteste les francais.
Note: I should preface this review by saying that as I write this, I'm in a production of a Moliere play, The Misanthrope, though this does not color my opinion of the movie, I want to be upfront about this before continuing further.
So here is the question for the day: If a movie comes along that presents itself as serious, but ends up being one of the funniest movies I've seen in recent years, will my liking it convince other people to seek it out? I'd love my answer to be "Yes", but much like Moliere, I don't know how many people will take me seriously.
The story follows Jean Baptiste Poquelin (Famously known as Moliere), the famous comedic…
This movie should not work in any way, yet somehow I was truly engaged and had fun watching it. Predictable and normal, yet at the same time funny and heartfelt, Moliere really is a strange, trope-playing, laugh of a time. 3.5 stars for the enjoyability.
all the women in this were too fine for these ugly ass men
Qui veut lancer avec moi une cagnotte pour voir un jour Louis Garrel jouer Molière ?
watched this over a couple days in french class. it was fine but nothing in this warranted my teacher’s absolute HOWLING laughter