Cinematic World Tour 2017: Destination 158 (Papua New Guinea)
Mr. Pip isn't racist in a malicious way, it's racist in a clumsy way through virtue of the sheer incompetence with which it's made, but it's still staggeringly patronising and wrong-headed in the way it attempts to favour and impose western norms onto Papua New Guinean society, which in many ways is more annoying.
On a technical level it’s just very poorly made, the plot is an orientalist contrivance and events don’t progress in logical or believable ways. The comparisons it attempts to draw between the events of Great Expectations and the experience of civil war just don’t make sense, not helped by appalling dialogue, poor acting and the use of a series of ridiculous and unnecessary sentimental tropes.
Also, this film seems to think Gravesend is in London, it isn’t.