A professional hit man retires to his colorless apartment but soon starts to suffer from horrible headaches and hears voices. In order to cure himself, he hammers a nail into his skull.
A professional hit man retires to his colorless apartment but soon starts to suffer from horrible headaches and hears voices. In order to cure himself, he hammers a nail into his skull.
Gvozdi, Cruel Behaviour - Kopf voller Nägel, Head full of Nails, 射钉狂人, Szögek
Nails has some interesting ideas, and the imagery was inspired (especially considering it basically had no budget), but I wish it had leaned more into the silliness/comedy aspect, because all the seriousness gave me pretentious filmschool vibes.
Real outsider shit. Feels like it's made by people who's only exposure to the world of cinema is The Matrix and Pi and wanted to outdo both of them with just consumer grade DV cameras, Windows Movie Maker, and absolutely no money. A DIY project through and through- every seam shows, every attempt at being cool just turns out dorky, the filmmaker's email is listed in the credits- it's completely homemade. And yet somehow, despite being goofball pastiche, the cheapo homebrew production aesthetic turns the result of the synthesis into something totally unprecedented, something that really feels unlike anything else, entirely out of control. It rules, is what I'm saying.
This Man Cured His Headaches With One Crazy Trick — Doctors Hate Him!!!!
,,Give me the pain.‘‘
60 minutes of bizarre, experimental, artsy and even surrealistic entertainment. ,,Nails‘‘ is very interesting and refreshing russian underground horror/sci-fi. Especially the soundtrack stood out and underlined the film perfectly.
I definitely need to watch more films of russian director Andrey Iskanov. As I have heard, his film ,,Philosophy of a Knife’‘ is said to be one of the most disturbing of all time. And I am happy that I have a special film like ,,Nails‘‘ in good quality and even with english and german dubbing as blu-ray in my collection.
Also: Until the beginning of the 20th century it was really claimed that it would help mentally ill and crazy people to make a hole in their heads so that their thoughts are free.
I have found a method.
There's low-budget filmmaking, there's no-budget filmmaking, and then there's whatever the hell this short is. I have felt no motivation at all today to work on a final project for one of my classes, so after just messing around on my phone for most of the day up to now, gave this a watch looking to get a boost of energy. However "good" you can feel after watching a short film about hitman hammering nails inside his head, I do feel at least somewhat better. Nails is the lovechild of The Matrix and Pi with little of the skill from either but all of the passion. In some instances, that's what counts. Regardless of the…
Felt seen, and now I'm tempted to hammer nails into my skull❤️❤️ #alternativemedicine
this thing actually has such an overwhelming stench to it. I can smell this shit through the screen. Stink-core cinema
Really loved the editing style and the practical effects, but the sound design and score here are also really interesting. I do prefer Visions Of Suffering by quite a noticeable margin, but for an hour long film, this kicks ass. I'd totally come back to it, but there's times where it really does feel quite sloppy and all over the place (in the bad way). Still, this is really interesting and quite nasty at times! 7/10
Андрей Исканов гений.
бля настолько сильно передать атмосферу за копейки, и сама суть того что происходит, а именно гвозди и в целом, то что с собой делает главный герой это сравнение с наркотиками, и именно так всё и происходит. ну единственный минус фильма это бюджет, хотя всё же это может быть и плюс т.к. вайб малобюджетных, арт хаусных фильмов, прям чувствуется как режиссёр старался сделать что то настоящее в сравнении. но к сожалению по сей день фильм имеет очень малую известность по сравнению с каким-нибудь зелёным слоником.
An ambitious little student film project clearly inspired by Pi and probably anime. It's overedited and the audio reeks of pirated Fruity Loops beats but it's an interesting idea. More of an audio visual thing than a straight forward narrative structure and it desperately wants to be some experimental art house film. It's lack of budget and experience though makes it look more like one of those early internet spooky flash videos. The band is better.
Tetsuo with a lobotomy scar. Makes wax lips look sexy!