A sharp-edged look at people who live outside the constraints of Islamic law.
A sharp-edged look at people who live outside the constraints of Islamic law.
تلخ و تکاندهنده به مانند تمامی آثار خانم بنیاعتماد که همیشه دغدغههای اجتماعی داشتهاند و به درستی آن را در دل فضای شهری به تصویر کشیدهاند. مثلث فریماه فرجامی، ابوالفضل پورعرب و عاطفه رضوی با بازیهای بسیار خوب هر سه، انصافاً بسیار جذاب و دراماتیک از آب درآمدهاند. البته از فیلمنامه بسیار خوب فریدون جیرانی هم نباید غافل شد.
After hiding from police in the aftermath of a heist, thief Adel marries another younger woman while forcing his current wife to pose as his mother. It's clear this man is too weak too face the consequences of his actions so he clings to another life that he glues on top of his old one. When the old one reveals itself again, he falls to pieces. While the man is having crisis with his manhood, the new wife, Nargess does everything in her power to help him so that they can be together. But Adel cannot make decisions, he seems to be incapable of carrying any kind of responsibility and so he tries to fix things in a way that…
The biggest wanker in Iran acts the Candyman for two hours while his two wives suffer
I can completely understand and appreciate the historical and social context of why this film is so revered but fuck me, what a slog.
they slayed