Odysseus' journey told in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus spends years trying to return home to Itaka.
Odysseus' journey told in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus spends years trying to return home to Itaka.
The Odyssey, Die Odyssee, Приключения Одиссея, Авантуре Одисеја
Possibly the easiest 5 stars I've ever given. Not because it's particularly novel or technically brilliant or perfectly paced or terribly beautiful (though it has its many moments), but because it's simply the comfiest & among the most generous pieces of cinema I believe I've ever encountered--a foundational story adapted with such vigor & fidelity that I felt spoiled just to be watching. Were it a blanket I'd never want to be out from under it--even as it fills with blood. And I'm not positive that more beautiful faces have ever been gathered into a single production than are done so here.
Over three evenings I watched the 4-episode French version, which as I understand it might lose a bit of narration from the 8-episode edit, but little else. I have no desire to seek out the 110-minute cut.
If you have any desire to watch a 6 hour miniseries of the Odyssey this is the one, it's basically perfect, and furthermore it's on YouTube (in French with subtitles). I watched it over successive nights as I fell asleep, which was a really nice experience. It's not boring by any means but there's something very comforting here-- maybe that it's well-built, confident, consistent, full of great performances. You can really understand why Homer's immortal poem was such a monster hit. Once I realized "wow, this is really good", I got excited to see what they were going to do about the cyclops, was it going to look stupid or what? But then it looks great. Mario Bava is listed…
based only on my childhood memories, this film aired in parts on television and I was mesmerized. I would love to watch this again and see if it still holds up but unfortunately, it is only available as region 2 DVD.
I Just saw on Letterboxd that there's a 2 hours long version instead the unforgettable full 6 and half hours of the original 8 episodes serial.
Vergognatevi bastardi.
Mi sono ricordato di aver visto questo film da piccolo, grazie a mia madre Crudeliamemon per tale possibilità 🙏🙏🙏
شاهدت نسخة 6 ساعات والتي كانت رائعة كافضل إقتباس لهومر لكنني الان أحتاج ترجمة لنسخة الأصلية ههه
This entry is for the 6 and a half hour miniseries, not the 110-minute theatrical cut posted here on Letterboxd:
What an ambitious undertaking for a television production at that time - nearly faithful (more so than other adaptations I've seen) and flawless. Odysseus (played by Yugoslavian superstar Bekim Fehmiu) was the original Captain Kirk, using guile, and a dash of physical prowess to overcome impossible odds. And it's no surprise that Irene Papas is the epitome of talent, beauty, and screen presence in the role of long-suffering Penelope.
Franco Rossi (Quo Vadis? 1985 mini) was the primary director, with assists from Mario Bava, who did the special effects and directed the impressive Cyclops sequence, and Piero Schivazappa, who handled…
im a polyphemus apologist
Watched the 8 hour miniseries, not the film-length edit listed here.
Very good, and very loyal to the layout of the original epic text (unlike every other adaptation). It's the closest thing I've experienced to a cinematic immersion in the Ancient Greek world, despite the fact that they're all speaking Italian.
Irene Papas is a literal goddess
Ci sono cresciuto con questa serie/sceneggiato. Da piccolo avevo il cofanetto vhs e lo preferivo ai cartoni. Mi veniva fame ogni volta che mi mettevo a guardarlo e volevo mangiare gli arrosticini come loro. Mi fece amare l’epica, la regia e la colonna sonora, fantastico lavoro di Rustichelli che ancora oggi ascolto, l’arpa del dolce tema di Itaca patria lontana, quello dirompente dei Proci, i canti eterei dai Feaci…
Quella voce calma e riflessiva del prologo che ti introduceva alla storia e ai suoi luoghi. A quel archeologo dilettante - Schliemann - che credette a un’idea da tutti ritenuta folle, per poi rivelarsi vera: Troia era esistita. E non solo nei canti mitici ma nella terra e sotto alle rocce.…
•Moda e abbigliamento ad Itaca: le sluttiest miniskirt sul mercato, fateci vedere quelle gambe;
•Antino sembra Renato Zero (come disse un saggio, ecco perché li chiamano froci);
•Telemaco la mia lesbica con daddy issues, grazie per il tuo servizio;
•Il penultimo episodio è un po' sperimentale ed è il più bello