Based on a true story
The social thriller starring a two year-old baby girl. She is living in a home where the adults are going through a complicated phase. Being a toddler, she is occasionally trapped in the accidental situations.
The social thriller starring a two year-old baby girl. She is living in a home where the adults are going through a complicated phase. Being a toddler, she is occasionally trapped in the accidental situations.
Пиху, 皮胡
I can't believe they made a feature length film with an actual two year old lead. I am shook.
Pooja what is this behavior?
Purposefully getting into a fridge, closing the door on myself, and then panicking when it doesn't open right away is fully something I would still do if left completely alone for an entire weekend.
that "based on a true story" at the beginning made this 300% more stressful
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Pihu is a two year old girl who has just woken up the day after her second birthday party. He mother is laying on the bed next to her having passed away suddenly. With no one else in the house, Pihu is left to fend for herself.
If you are weak of heart, or suffer from anxiety, this is not the film for you. It’s basically an hour and a half of a two year old girl being put in various dangerous situations. It’s extremely heartbreaking to see the little girl scream and cry for her dead mother. One particularly heart wrenching bit has her burn her hand on an iron only to go to her mother for comfort, eventually…
shes more independent than i am
Rec by Child of Chaos Val
Rec me Mommy
Honestly, this could have been a lot better as a short. When Pihu knocked over the bottle of sleeping pills and Pihu started picking them up, I was like "I know she isn't going to eat one, the movie has like an hour left."
I think this is a movie I like the idea of more than the execution. The idea of watching this 2 year old tottle around while her mom is dead and her dad is away on business. Probably giving the business to a cheap hooker.
HA, He's a pile of shit. Heavily implied to be abusive with the mother having bruises all over her and…
Boy I’ll tell ya, if anxiety was a movie it would be this
Setelah berpesta merayakan hari ulang tahun anaknya yang ke-2, keesokan harinya seorang wanita tewas bunuh diri meninggalkan anak semata wayangnya tersebut di rumah sendirian tanpa adanya pengawasan. Apa yang terjadi setelahnya? Tentu saja mimpi buruk yang menjadi bencana bagi setiap orang tua.
Sukses dibuat ngilu dan geregetan di beberapa adegan. Dengar-dengar, filmnya juga terinspirasi dari kisah nyata. Wah, gila, sih! Memang benar kata sutradaranya: “Not every parent deserves a child.”
i straight up almost had a heart attack every time little Pihu almost got hurt. probably wouldn't watch again but it was entertaining and the main character is so talented omg!!
Jeezus! Talk about a jump scare horror/thriller movie! Home Alone on a whole new level.
2 year old Pihu gets into things, out of things, on top of things and for the entire movie I kept saying nononono.
*Here's a list of International Suicide Hotlines. Use it. Please.
**And if all else fails, get yourself a babysitter before offing yourself, ok?
Argentina: +5402234930430
Australia: 131114
Austria: 017133374
Belgium: 106
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association
Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal)
Croatia: 014833888
Denmark: +4570201201
Egypt: 7621602
Estonia: 3726558088; in Russian 3726555688
Finland: 010 195 202
France: 0145394000
Germany: 08001810771
Holland: 09000767
Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000
Hungary: 116123
India: 8888817666…
This is Home Alone but more depressing.