Can you spy him deep within? Little possum. Black as sin.
A disgraced children's puppeteer returns to his childhood home and is forced to confront his wicked stepfather and the secrets that have tortured him his entire life.
A disgraced children's puppeteer returns to his childhood home and is forced to confront his wicked stepfather and the secrets that have tortured him his entire life.
Sean Harris Alun Armstrong Andy Blithe Ryan Enever Charlie Eales Joe Gallucci Rohan Gotobed Raphel Famotibe Simon Bubb Katie Lightfoot Elliot Booty Abraham Graham Ryan Davenport Susie Fowler-Watt Freya Cannon Andreas Christoph Pamela Cook Rachel Kirby Keith Moroni Daniel Eghan Stuart Dean Andrea Gold James Stickley Callum Prosser Evie Oliver Harvey Bellamy Harrison Tompkins
Ölü Taklidi, Опоссум, Опосум, 负鼠, صاریغ, Oposszum, 포썸: 죽음을 부르는 기억
Bro that wasn't a possum
i know writers who use subtext and theyre all cowards
Darkly oblique, low key character study of a damaged mind. Philip is a puppeteer by profession, who is forced to return to his childhood home following his disgrace at his last paying gig. He terrified the kids with his puppet, a macabre arachnid creation with a blank head resembling his own. This is Possum, an alter ego which has haunted him since entering his life in childhood, preventing him from becoming a functioning adult.
Scored by a brooding collection of dissonant field recordings and dark ambiance from The Radiophonic Workshop and envisioned through a muted palette of greys and earth tones, deep shadow saturating every frame, Possum is about as bleak as it gets. It riffs on The Babadook -…
I'm feeling completely dirty. my god. the final 5 minutes of this movie were too painful. i'm devastated. Sean Haris, my man, you deserve all the awards. i really felt in shock when the credits rolled. there are so many disturbing image here. metaphors and allegories that at first appear to be just that, a tool for the narration, but no, they aren't. i fooled myself thinking i'd just be that. really dark and powerful in every way possible. i never thought that a movie about a pet giant-ish spider would impact me so much. and hey, if you're thinking that this puppet monster thing only appears in a few scenes, well, i've got some good news for you .…
have any of you ever gotten that feeling you get when you’re watching creepy videos from the dark side of youtube? those sinister, experimental little videos you feel like you shouldn’t be watching, but you keep watching them because they’re sort of oddly fascinating and almost hypnotic? despite how unnerving and uneasy they are, you still feel weirdly drawn to them? this movie feels exactly like that.
this is what I think my penis looks like
Possum is what happens when you stretch an okay idea into a full length feature with monotone delivery.
Clearly drawing parallels between traumas and gruesome imaginary creatures, Possum starts with some truly breathtaking stills that give the audience a false impression that the whole experience is going to be as gripping, only for them to be tricked into enduring an oversized (despite its short runtime of 85 minutes) and flatfooted borefest reliant heavily on startling sound effects and jump scares to make its point. Shots are deliberately extended while the characters are conditioned to repeat the same routines over and over, building towards a final revelation that is objectively anti-climatic and incoherent, but still feels somewhat like a blessing in disguise.
Possum is clearly an ambitious work as evidenced by its bleak, symbolic style, but the story just isn't inspired enough to take it anywhere further. Don't recommend.
This script must have been five pages long. You want to see a sweaty guy walk around and look at doors while the soundtrack tries to convince you something scary is going on? Watch this then I guess?
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
So here's my theory about this dark surrealistic masterpiece:
Philip lost his parents as a child and got "adopted" by Morris (there are clues that he abducted him in the scene where Morris informs Philip about the missing boy saying something along the lines of "It happened once in your time too, didn't it?" and gives him an evil smirk but i could be wrong). Morris then abused and tortured Philip in various ways and he came up with Possum and the little poem about him as a way to cope (Possum's spidery legs clearly referencing Morris's fingers and the way he grabs the puppet and holds it above him with their faces almost touching before getting disgusted and throwing…
an intriguing and brutal character study which honestly would've benefited so much more by being a 30-40 minute short film rather than a full length feature.
I honestly have no clue what this was about, but I do know that spider thing can fuck right off
This is just the average life of a British person, it’s not that scary