Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
A little sympathetic roadmovie, with lots of beautiful pictures, the setting like France, Spain and Marocco obvious help a lot with that. Nice switch up between comedy and the necessary drama at times, it’s maybe a bit cliche to really impress in that area, but nonetheless still a good experience with a lot of funny encounters with different people. Nice chemistry also by the 3 lead actors, pleasant pacing and enough solid moments make up for a very entertaining road movie.
When one character said “I’d love to do terrible things to the one on the right” about Marwan Kenzari, I felt that
Dit is de leven.
Road trip I'd wish to have experienced myself..
nederlandse cinema is hier gepeaked
Nog steeds de beste film op Nederlandse bodem.
cute roadfilm, veel chemistry tussen de drie hoofdpersonages.
de gesprekken met die kunst gs student waren echt pijnlijk herkenbaar, zo'n gesprek tijdens uitgaan met iemand die denkt dat ie heel interessant is maar verder totaal geen inhoud heeft.
mede mogelijk gemaakt door hyves en homofobie: 2011
nederlanders zijn toch zó dol op een goeie kijk-ik-neem-de-onzichtbare-trap-grap
Seks en shoarma dat is de leven
Love is cutting your €200 Hugo Boss suit into shorts and giving the jacket to your mom friend so he can look more impressive.
This morning I've had harcha for breakfast so I decided to rewatch Rabat.
It's a great road movie with the usual ingredients of friendship, spiritual journeys, figuring things out, ignoring what is in front of you, an old man along the way telling an inspiring tale, etc. I like the story overall but at times the dialogues are badly written. Especially in the Barcelona section. Great chemistry between the three main leads though and most of the jokes made me laugh, which is quite a feat for Dutch films.
Dit is de leven.