An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
An army deserter and a soon-to-be high school graduate embark on an ill-fated romance in this musical film set in the '60s.
Zuzana Norisová Jan Révai Alžbeta Stanková Jaromír Nosek Anna Veselá Ľuboš Kostelný Martin Kubačák Tomáš Hanák Soňa Norisová Helga Čočková Jiřina Bohdalová Ondřej Šípek Jan Svěrák Bronislav Poloczek František Němec Petr Burian Josef Carda Oto Ševčík Stanislav Štepka Ladislav Beran Libuše Štědrá Vít Pešina Radana Herrmannová Jindřich Hrdý Stanislav Lehký Vladimír Mertlík Jiří Pokorný Petr Prokop Ivan Vorlíček Show All…
the thing about Czech movies is that they start out really silly and then in the third act sh*t gets real.
5 stars i don't care that it's dumb the songs slap so hard!!!
if you get it you get it
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
If czech movie why good
why does she have a crush on oliver twist
Zuzana Norisová bude vždycky můj největší crush
tak trochu český high school musical, ale víc campy
nechápu, co se z filipa renče od té doby stalo
btw, proč si pamatuju, že se oni dva míjí v autech? ono to v tom filmu není, úplně falešná vzpomínka
proč jsou všechny moje oblíbené filmy ty, které mě pokaždé rozbrečí? what's wrong with me
I haven't seen it in like 15 years.
I think my friend Maggie said it best when she said "it's like so bad it's good".
Like the dialogue is bad, Jan Revai (sorry) is so unattractive and you definitely cannot look at it through like feminist/gender lens 'cause wow - 18 year old girls are being seduced by 20 something men, the boys get them drunk so they can have sex with them and when the main girl finally does have sex with the boy it's intercut with a wedding scene and thus making the connection sex=wedding (she also has like this very heteronormative daydream about them raising kids and stuff even though she literally just met him). It's a…
Has a certified DILF and the best songs to get chosen for a jukebox musical.
the best soundtrack eveeer
Casting two irl sisters to play a daughter and the father’s love interest was definitely… a choice
kdyby jí ten farář prostě řekl, že jejího chalána zavřeli tak by to nemuselo končit tak špatně :(