If you can't breathe, you can't scream
Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.
Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.
Reeker - Tra la vita e la morte, Pânico no Deserto, Noche Diabolica, リーカー 地獄のモーテル, Рикер, Reeker - A halál szaga, Zapach śmierci, רקוב, Davetsiz Gelen, 리커, 雾人, Рікер, Na půl cesty, 霧人
This opens with Eric Mabius sporting shaggy hair and a pair of tighty whities and honestly that sets the bar pretty high for a horror b-movie about a supernatural killer who signifies its presence with a suffocating odor.
There’s are a couple of recognizable faces, like a young Arielle Kebbel and an always welcome Michael Ironside, but nothing made much sense and there was no real explanation for what was happening and I’m all for ambiguous horror, but in a movie like this you need some information. So I was all ready to throw this 2.5 stars for being interesting with fun gore but ultimately just a nonsensical mess and then we are thrown a delightful twist ending that immediately made it a solid 3.5 stars. I won’t reveal any more info, but I will say that I’m a sucker for that particular kind of twist so yeah I enjoyed this and will obvs be checking out the sequel soon.
this is one of those movies that stays on your watchlist forever. decided to seek it out bc i saw some stills of it that looked cool. i LOVE how horror movies (esp slashers) of this era look. the nasty green tint on 35mm looks so fucking cool, at least in the bright parts where the dark green kind of just creeps in at the shadows. once its night time it looks less awesome. i didn't like that actual movie that much but god i live for that grainy muck green piss yellow slasher remake aesthetic.
Friends stopping at a lonely desert motel find themselves stalked by an odorous spectre with a panache for driving power tools into soft tissue.
Now obvious why this took several years to find stateside distribution. Actors without chemistry can't shut up before a trenchcoated mech-deformo meekily kills with a buzzsaw latched onto its arm. Fellow traveler Michael Ironside claims to see the entity's butchered victims as the surviving echo similar hallucinations. This angle riffs a 19th century short story repeated ad nauseam on celluloid since published. So you've probably already seen this done better. All bathed in that puke green tint so popular at the time. Watched via CBS/Showtime's DVD.
the girl i. this is wearing the single worst pair of trousers i've seen in my life, shiny grey flares that cover her heels? what in rachel stevens in s club 7 circa 2001 HELL is this
Horror Hunt #47 (May 2022)
5. Spanish language
Well, at least the film got the right name. Because it sure reeks of something.. And the spanish sure wasn't very prominent in this film. Another horror prompt wasted.
An utterly unconvincing group of friends are all set to drive out and attend a desert rave. They got the drugs and everything! But soon after the group decides to stop at a roadside diner, things start to get weird. Odd visions occur, and soon it becomes difficult to tell what is real or not. Don't do drugs or something, I guess.
This is one of those horror films that start building up suspense and tension.. and then it just keeps building…
Plot is from the more traditional end, but the premise of the ghost killer that comes with the smell is clever, it's a pity that the execution is mostly weak cgi. This also takes way too long to get things going. Cast is nothing special either and Michael Ironside is sadly wasted in a useless supporting role. Good thing that kills are relatively entertaining, especially the outhouse one.
Pretty average and boring in execution, barely even worth for a one-off.
31 Days of Shocktober - Day 18.
Carpoolers are stalked by a killer fart ... The End.
Actually, I quite enjoyed Reeker !!
The central concept has certainly been used before and the deliberately off-kilter feel of the piece may tip some off as to what's going on (it did for me), but the horror format of this incarnation works effectively and piecing things together is half the fun.
The wildly diverse reviews for Reeker suggest that it's one of those films that you'll either love or hate - Mrs. Boof fell into the latter category ("That movie can suck my dick!"), but I thought it was pretty cool.
Reeker schafft es zunächst ganz gut eine ordentliche Gruppenkonstellation auf die Beine zustellen und allmählich Spannung aufzubauen. Das reißt keine Bäume aus, hat aber ein paar ganz nette Ideen. Doch dann wartet man und wartet man und es will einfach nichts passieren. Kein Pay-Off, nichts. Im letzten Drittel wurde es zwar etwas besser, aber auch nicht wirklich aufregend. Am Ende so typisches "Nichts ist wie es scheint" Geplänkel. Später wird dann klar, dass es eine Art übernatürlicher Slasher ist. Aber so richti gepasst hat das für mich nicht. Die biedere Inszenierung war da auch nicht grade förderlich. Bin auf den zweiten Teil gespannt, der soll ja vieles anders machen.
Reeker manages to set up a decent group constellation and…
The film could have been decent, but I think everyone who worked on it tried to make it not be. First of all, such a dark-themed and deadly film should have been much bloodier, much more brutal and much more gory. The acting performances were truly terrible.
However, the twist at the end was pretty decent. In fact, it was the only good thing in the movie.
PS1: In the first scene, the woman driving the car literally sees nothing, but continues to drive at full speed, which is the literal meaning of imbecility.
PS2: The brother banter is ended up by the fact that one of them is blind. A classic brother relationship.
For half an hour or so I thought I might have uncovered a little gem in Reeker. It possesses that quality you get sometimes in low-budget, horror fare from the aughts - a sort of tinny, friable, not entirely intentional surrealism to its atmosphere which, when applied to situations like a group of strangers holed up in an abandoned gas station in the desert with unknown weirdly horrible shit happening to people periodically, really gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. This is one of those horror movies that haunts the edges of mainstream fare - surely an entirely forgotten artefact if not for services like Tubi and other strange little crevices of the internet.
Some kind of entity or…
Another case of a really fun concept brought low by terrible characters... maybe I'm a hater but if i can't stand the characters, it's really hard for me to hang in and enjoy the other fun elements of the movie.
But anyway, I liked Reeker in the end, just not nearly as much as I COULD have... it was like, I had a sense of the kind of stuff that was going to happen, but it was boring waiting for it to happen.
And I've definitely been haunted by an incredibly bad smell before, and to be honest, I feel like the people in this movie even kind of downplayed how horrible of an experience that is. (a squirrel died in the crawlspace above the house, middle of summer, utter nightmare - RIP Squirrel (1998-1998))
I liked the ending a lot. Kind of a twist, kind of inevitable... but nicely implemented.
There is a decent little film hidden somewhere in Reeker. It's main problem though is the fact that for the good majority of the film, it's just confusing. Now I'll give it that it does somewhat explain things in the last ten minutes, though this ending does reek (pun intended) of the ending to the film Dead End, but at no point during the first bulk of the film did I ever think “OK something bigger is going on here, let me think about it”. It kind of just plays out like your usual slasher film but with a few out of place bits. I think a second viewing would benefit it, but I can't see me every giving it…