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Directed by Olga Malea
Two mothers/wives devise a solution to the downsides of marriage.
Anna Mascha Dimitra Matsouka Constantine Markoulakis Kleon Gregoriadis Eleni Gerasimidou Sofia Vogiatzaki Kostas Krommidas Christos Efthimiou Pantelis Kanakaris Sotiris Skantzikas
Olga Malea
Kostas Lambropoulos Antonis Maniatis
Olga Malea Manina Zoumpoulaki
Yorgos Mavropsaridis
Greek Film Centre Papandreou A.E.
Greek (modern)
Comedy Romance Drama
95 mins More at IMDb TMDB Report this page
Review by koutsobasbi ★★★★
Ξεβλαχεψε τον φεμινισμό ή αλλιώς the Petros Kostopoulos effect