The story of two rival brothers, one a pimp and the other a cop, and how the former manages to be the family favourite.
The story of two rival brothers, one a pimp and the other a cop, and how the former manages to be the family favourite.
Jean-Baptiste Dupont Cyril Colbeau-Justin Laurent Bénégui Jeremy Burdek Nadia Khamlichi Adrian Politowski
Rivals - Zwei Brüder ein Cop ein Bankräuber, İhanet Oyunları, Кровные узы, Riválisok, Więzy krwi, Krevní pouta, 血缘关系, Blodets bånd, Rivaler, Hyvä veli, paha veli, Rivales, Rivalerna
Une chronique qui distille beaucoup trop d'éléments importants, pour ne finalement ne pas en révéler l'impact ou du moins en attenue sa force.
Il reste tout de même un François Cluzet épatant et un Guillaume Canet sympathique.
Review Part One
The film tells tells the story of two brothers, one a criminal, the other a cop, in Lyon in the late 70s. All the drama and narrative in the film comes out of this sibling conflict; right & wrong, the past and responsibility, families and forgiveness, all the important stuff pivoting on this rivalry between the two brothers.
There is, perhaps, something formulaic about this good brother/bad brother premise, it’s a bit Biblical, a bit Old-Testament. Despite the strong characterisation and the deep conflicts within each character, everything that happens in the film is governed by this central premise. It is not so much character led drama, it is narrative led fate. Everything that happens to the two…