Use it or lose it.
Three friends take a road trip to the Mojave desert where their complicated relationships are pushed to their breaking point as the group encounters a reclusive, murderous cult.
Three friends take a road trip to the Mojave desert where their complicated relationships are pushed to their breaking point as the group encounters a reclusive, murderous cult.
I had a lot of fun with this stranded in the desert comedy horror. At first I was unsure about the turn it took in the last third but it quickly won me around with lots of chuckles and good splat. Touching at times too.
Accidental dick biting, intentional dick biting, sleaze, cheese, insane medieval larpers, pesky hallucinations, beheadings, some charmingly low budget practical effects work, and the best worst dialogue I've heard in a long time. Road Head is a super campy horror comedy that's light on horror and heavy on "I don't know what the hell is going on but I like it". Fun flick!
This random lil gem is available via Tubi.
A quirky, modernist parody/celebration of exploitation cinema that never loses that indy feel, this is hilarious. Penis bitings (that's plural), beheadings, multiple LOL moments, I recommend giving this a shot.
This was a hell of a lot of fun.
Wow, I liked this way more than I thought I would. I knew by the title and trailer that it was going to be kinda silly and campy, but it was pretty funny, and there were some deep moments. The characters were likeable and I actually loved Elizabeth Grullon as feisty AF Stephanie.
Overall, I enjoyed this film. If you want to watch something weird and silly with decapitation, that’s somehow still endearing, then this is the film to watch.
P.S. I was NOT expecting that ending. 😩
I decided to check this one out for today. I might get another movie in, but I'm also trying to clean up the house a bit before heading back to work tomorrow, so will see. I didn't know any of the actors in this movie, had never caught any of them in other movies even. I was pretty impressed with them all though. Elizabeth Grullon was especially good in this one as someone who stands up for herself and tends to swear a lot. The story has its share of comedy in it and it did make me laugh a little bit here and there. I did enjoy the overall story at least which has to do with three friends…
Hit and miss comedy/horror but the jokes that land are solid (the actors actually know how to deliver the funnier lines) and the practical gore effects are on point.
Road Head is also quite unpredictable and for that alone I say, “Thank you, movie.”
I got a 90s vibe from this and for some reason found myself wanting to pair it up with Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies.
One star for each time someone gave road head
Be warned giving head on a road trip can lead to you losing yours!
I loved the main girl in this.
A couple and their mutual friend take a road trip to a dried up lake bed for a weekend escape when they encounter a death cult that likes to collect heads.
Funny movie. I liked the humorous dialogue between the friends. Elizabeth Grullon was great as the very attractive final girl. There were unexpected moments that go against the grain of what usually happens in these movies. And pretty good use of Gore.
Surprise watch based on title and poster but I would classify as a hidden gem. I couldn't wait to tell some friends about it.
During the 2 hr trick or treat window it was 33f and lightly snowing a windy wetness off and on, another bomb h'ween for us. When we hand out we get hardly anyone cuz it's always cold n miz, when the youngest wants to go begging, it's always worse. I swear she's actually trick or treated for about 50 minutes in her entire life. I hope one day she can kill a huge neighborhood with friends until she can no longer carry her haul or all the porch lights are off cuz it's closing time. We only have maybe 4 more years left for her to rock a dream 80s run like I used to live.
We did stay out…
addiction. feminism. environmentalism.
There was no reason for me to enjoy this as much as i did but gay cinema does slap too hard.