Desperately trying to come to terms with his sexuality, gay teenager Ruben finds his path to sexual acceptance complicated, as homophobic bullying brings him ever closer to the brink of suicide.
Desperately trying to come to terms with his sexuality, gay teenager Ruben finds his path to sexual acceptance complicated, as homophobic bullying brings him ever closer to the brink of suicide.
if meeting up with people online and kissing them that quickly is so easy, sign me up! i would love to experience life that romantically😘😘
- this was so unrealistic it really disconnected me from the story ugh. while i do understand it, the execution was terrible and it gave off such a weird atmosphere im sorry.
致那些曾经被霸凌的性少数,每一天都是一次斗争,每一天都面临新的恐惧,只因为不同。(片尾曲Every New Day真的唱出了心声)
Jävligt Nice o mysigt!!! En trevlig natt helt enkelt!