...because your life depends on it!
When a law student accidentally kills the son of a mob boss in a fight, he finds himself relentlessly pursued by the mob and the police.
When a law student accidentally kills the son of a mob boss in a fight, he finds himself relentlessly pursued by the mob and the police.
Το κυνηγητό, 着草赌神, Fuir, Perseguido por todos, Run - Lauf um Dein Leben, Беги, 표적, 逃亡煞星, Fugindo Para Viver, Καταδίωξη, Біжи, המרוץ לחיים
An entire city is out to kill Patrick Dempsey and honestly can you blame them?
I mean, how many people can someone kill by accident and get away with it, what in the GTA is this? The script could have been better but for a 90s action flick it was rather fun since it covers all the basic clichés of the time. I recommend it if you want to see Patrick Dempsey being goofy when it's definitely not the time for it, Patrick please you're a wanted man.
I am not sure why I remember the trailer so vividly for Run. I wanted to see it so bad as a kid and I remember renting it from Turtle’s Records & Tapes. To this day, I still recall the name, Charlie Farrow and the tagline: All Charlie could do was Run. Today, I rarely hear anyone talking about it. Run is a cool survive the night / run your ass off / chase flick with a lot of rad stunts and surprisingly impactive dry humor which helps the pace and the tone of the film. Patrick Dempsey isn’t your stereotypical action stud, but he is very serviceable. Run not walk to Amazon Video and check this bad boy out.
*tastes movie*
needs more running
No joke: contains what might be the best bad guy death in all of 90s action cinema.
If not ever.
Middle-of-the-road 90s thriller with Patrick Dempsey on the run from the mob and corrupt cops after being involved in the accidental death of a mob boss' son. The accidental death continues as Dempsey repeatedly escapes encounters with his pursuers by accidentally killing them which gets a bit absurd. He never really does anything to defend himself, he just keeps trying to run away yet the bodies pile up. Definitely could have benefited from more screentime for Kelly Preston who made anything she was in around this time more watchable.
Am I crazy or does this end with like a 90210 guitar riff?
This was actually way more fun than I thought it would be.
Another classic in my favourite niche genre, ''One Man's Really Bad Night Out''. This movie takes all the misfortune from After Hours and the cheesy action from end-of-80s action movies and mashes them together to create this masterpiece. To say that this movie does not give you a break would be an understatement, as we watch Patrick Dempsey run furiously through a city non-stop, accidentally killing multiple people.
This movie, for me, is just pure fun. The first five minutes of this film are something else, as I have no idea if the movie does it intentionally, but it leans into this weird ''Disney Channel'' type comedy before…
Filmwunsch für eine Deutschsprachige DVD/Blu-ray VÖ #11
"Run - Lauf um dein Leben" lag schon lange Zeit hier auf meiner "Hirninternen Watchlist" herum, so dass ich letztendlich gestern Abend mal die Muse für ein lange überfälligen Rewatch in Angriff nahm. Und - hell yeah - immer noch so unterhaltend wie in der Erinnerung.
Ein vielversprechendes Sommerwochenende entwickelt sich für den Harvard-Studenten Charlie (Patrick Dempsey) anders als erwartet. Er wird in einen tödlichen Unfall verwickelt und fälschlicherweise für den Schuldigen gehalten. Das Opfer ist der Sohn des mächstigsten Mannes der Stadt. Der hat nur ein Ziel: Er will den Täter erwischen. So wird Charlie zur Zielscheibe von Killern und korrupten Polizisten. Nur die Attraktive Zeugin Ally (Kelly Preston) steht auf seiner…
Short, quick, generally satisfying action thriller (this was Disney’s second and final attempt to tag their Hollywood Pictures division with the ill-advised “thrillomedy” brand, after Arachnophobia) with a young Patrick Dempsey scrambling all over a New England town trying to escape organized crime and crooked cops over the accidental death of a mob boss’s degenerate son. It’s a little bit loose with the logic but agreeable, even in the handful of parts where it’s slowed down too much for its own good. There was enough of a budget here to schedule in some real stunts and lots of car-based destruction (“why is that bulldozer there?” “ohhhhh...”) and Dempsey is decent as a shrimpy guy with enough energy to do what…
Early Patrick Dempsey film features him as a college student who gets himself into trouble in a small town outside Atlantic City, when after a poker game that he cleans up in he pisses off the local mob boss’ spoiled, reckless son (made me think of Frank Cosgrove Jr. from Ozark), and somehow is involved in an accident resulting in the mob son’s death. Even though there are countless witnesses, everyone knows the deceased was mafia royalty, so no one will stick up for Dempsey. The one friendly face in the place is card dealer Kelly Preston, who urges him to run, hence the title.
The rest of the film involves Dempsey trying to…
A completely ridiculous chase thriller that starts with Patrick Dempsey being lured into an illegal casino by a dodgy taxi driver when he's supposed to be delivering a car, ends up being accused of a murder when a bloke trips and brains himself, and then it only gets more stupid from that point on.
But in an enjoyable way, it has to be said. I was quite annoyed that there wasn't as much Kelly Preston in it as I expected but my issue there was covered by some quite amazing scenes such as Dempsey saving himself from plunging to his death by hanging on to an assassin's trousers. In fairness, it never has any…