A man jumps off a moving train and goes to a small town to face its inhabitants, who seem familiar, but odd.
A man jumps off a moving train and goes to a small town to face its inhabitants, who seem familiar, but odd.
Zbigniew Cybulski Jerzy Block Włodzimierz Boruński Gustaw Holoubek Irena Laskowska Marta Lipińska Andrzej Łapicki Zdzisław Maklakiewicz Wojciech Siemion Marian Babula Alicja Banaś Iga Cembrzyńska Krystyna Cierniak Ludmiła Dąbrowska Kazimierz Kessler Stefania Kołodziejczyk Krystyna Purwińska Jerzy Puzilewicz Janusz Sewastianowicz Jan Soltys Krystyna Walczak
Somersault, 跳, 공중제비, Szaltó
Ale zrobił salto ja pierdole
"Jezu, on pijany, poezję będzie czytał"
david lynch, sklepy cynamonowe i wesele
Such a fascinating film. It didn't always engage me but there's so much to like here. The premise is great. The surreal and feverish atmosphere which all the time feels like a bad nightmare. The way it makes you question the reality of every single event. The feeling of being lost is always there. The general uncertainty about everything really works effectively here. There are some terrific sequences too but the dance sequence in the final act was just marvelous. I really like how ambiguous it actually was, it concludes without giving any real answers which makes the film more intriguing. This could be a film about Poland's present and future being permanently haunted by its past — it…
mam jedną pierdoloną schizofrenię
mezczyzna zrobi wszystko zeby nie pojsc na terapie
Possibly the best depiction of PTSD ever (and filmed when the term didn't even exist). A Kafkaesque nightmare of a person and a country. The second huge performance of Cybulski (after Ashes and Diamonds). The irony of the opening scene and Cybulski's death. Tadeusz Konwicki's innovative storytelling. Wojciech Kilar's Mingus-like paroxysmal composition. An audacious iconic choreography to rival Bande à part.
ty skurwysynie musiales wiecznie na te pociagi skakaac z tych pociagiw skakac
czułam się tak jakbym czytała poezje różewicza pomieszaną z weselem wyspiańskiego i dodatkowo nie była w stanie odróżnić rzeczywistości od snu. bardzo dobry film.
best david lynch movie